This is a personal invitation from .
Have a look and decide if you want to connect with . People directly connected have access to more information about each other.
It is usually a good idea to connect
only with people you know and share interest with.
This message is part of myopenlink.net social network connection process and was sent because {user_first} found your profile and asked to connect with you directly. If you choose to ignore this message, the invitation will expire automatically within 7 days. During this period you can always accept or reject the invitation by signing in to ODS and navigating to the incoming invitations page.
If you choose to reject the invitation, you can also choose to block this user from sending any invitations to you in the future.
First Name | Last Name | ||
Keywords | Tags | ||
Within | Within members of | ||
Within Distance | of Lat: Lng: | ||
Order by | Output as | ||
Max rows | |||
If you know Full Name, you may ask to connect with him/her directly. This would allow you to access information only published to network connections, as well as send messages directly.
You are directly connected with XXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXX.
You have requested a direct connection with XXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXX but (s)he has not approved the request yet.
You are about to send a connection request to XXXXXXX XXXXXXXXX. This means you are granting him/her access to all information you have marked in your profile as available to connected users/friends.
Are you sure you want to proceed? (You can withdraw this request or disconnect any time)
Are you sure you want to delete connection with XXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXX?
The user will not receive notification.
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Please identify yourself