use phpBB3; SET TRIGGERS OFF; create procedure phpBB3..init_acl (in id int) { insert into phpBB3..phpbb_acl_groups (group_id, forum_id, auth_option_id, auth_role_id, auth_setting) values (1, id, 0, 17, 0); insert into phpBB3..phpbb_acl_groups (group_id, forum_id, auth_option_id, auth_role_id, auth_setting) values (2, id, 0, 15, 0); insert into phpBB3..phpbb_acl_groups (group_id, forum_id, auth_option_id, auth_role_id, auth_setting) values (3, id, 0, 15, 0); insert into phpBB3..phpbb_acl_groups (group_id, forum_id, auth_option_id, auth_role_id, auth_setting) values (4, id, 0, 21, 0); insert into phpBB3..phpbb_acl_groups (group_id, forum_id, auth_option_id, auth_role_id, auth_setting) values (5, id, 0, 14, 0); insert into phpBB3..phpbb_acl_groups (group_id, forum_id, auth_option_id, auth_role_id, auth_setting) values (6, id, 0, 19, 0); }; create procedure phpBB3..init_db_tree_rec (in fid int, in lid int) { declare rid, id int; rid := lid + 1; id := lid; for select forum_id from phpBB3..phpbb_forums where parent_id = fid order by forum_id do { rid := phpBB3..init_db_tree_rec (forum_id, rid); } update phpBB3..phpbb_forums set left_id = lid, right_id = rid where forum_id = fid; return rid + 1; } ; create procedure phpBB3..init_db () { declare "RESULT" varchar; result_names("RESULT"); declare exit handler for sqlstate '*' { __atomic (0); resignal; }; __atomic(1); delete from phpBB3..phpbb_topics_posted where topic_id in (select t.topic_id from phpBB3..phpbb_topics t, phpBB3..phpbb_forums f where t.forum_id = f.forum_id and f.virt_id is not null); delete from phpBB3..phpbb_topics where forum_id in (select f.forum_id from phpBB3..phpbb_forums f where f.virt_id is not null); delete from phpBB3..phpbb_posts where post_virt_id is not null; delete from phpBB3..phpbb_forums where virt_id is not null; result('Tables cleared!'); commit work; INSERT INTO phpBB3..phpbb_forums (virt_id, parent_id, left_id, right_id, forum_name) values (-1, 0, 0, 0, 'Virtuoso Local Server'); INSERT INTO phpBB3..phpbb_forums (virt_id, parent_id, left_id, right_id, forum_name) SELECT SRV.NS_ID, 0, 0, 0, case when SRV.NS_USER = '' or isnull(SRV.NS_USER) then '' else SRV.NS_USER||'@' end || SRV.NS_SERVER || case when SRV.NS_PORT <> 119 then concat(':',cast(SRV.NS_PORT as varchar)) else '' end FROM DB.DBA.NEWS_SERVERS SRV; result('All categories done.'); INSERT INTO phpBB3..phpbb_forums (virt_id, parent_id, left_id, right_id, forum_name, forum_desc, forum_status, forum_posts, forum_topics, forum_last_post_id, prune_next, enable_prune, forum_type) SELECT GRP.NG_GROUP, -- forum_id phpBB3..virt2forum_id (coalesce(GRP.NG_SERVER,-1), 0), -- parent_id 0, 0, GRP.NG_NAME, -- forum_name, '', -- forum_desc, 0, -- forum_status, 0, --forum_posts, 0, --forum_topics, 0, --forum_last_post_id, 0, --prune_next, 0, --prune_enable, 1 FROM DB.DBA.NEWS_GROUPS GRP ; phpBB3..init_db_tree_rec (0, 1); for select forum_id id from phpBB3..phpbb_forums do { phpBB3..init_acl (id); } -- ACL for forums insert into phpBB3..phpbb_acl_users (user_id, forum_id, auth_option_id, auth_setting, auth_role_id) select 1, forum_id, 0, 0, 17 from phpBB3..phpbb_forums; result('All forums done.'); { declare tt_cr dynamic cursor for SELECT NM_KEY_ID, NM_GROUP FROM DB.DBA.NEWS_MULTI_MSG; declare tt_nm_key_id, tt_nm_group any; declare tt_bm any; declare tt_inx integer; tt_inx := 1; whenever not found goto tt_done; open tt_cr; while (1) { fetch tt_cr into tt_nm_key_id, tt_nm_group; if (exists (SELECT 1 FROM DB.DBA.NEWS_MSG MSG WHERE MSG.NM_ID = tt_nm_key_id)) { INSERT INTO phpBB3..phpbb_topics (topic_virt_id, forum_id, topic_title, topic_poster, topic_time, topic_views, topic_replies, topic_status, topic_type, topic_first_post_id, topic_last_post_id, topic_moved_id) SELECT MULTI.NM_KEY_ID as _topic_virt_id, phpBB3..virt2forum_id (MULTI.NM_GROUP, 1) as _forum_id, --forum_id phpBB3..get_field (MSG.NM_HEAD, 'Subject') as _topic_title, --topic_title 0 as _topic_poster, --topic_poster phpBB3..get_post_date(MSG.NM_HEAD) as _topic_time, --topic_time 0, --topic_views 0, --topic_replies 0, --topic_status 0, --topic_type 0, --topic_first_post_id 0, --topic_last_post_id 0 FROM DB.DBA.NEWS_MSG MSG INNER JOIN DB.DBA.NEWS_MULTI_MSG MULTI on MSG.NM_ID = MULTI.NM_KEY_ID WHERE MULTI.NM_KEY_ID = tt_nm_key_id AND MULTI.NM_GROUP = tt_nm_group and MSG.NM_REF is null ; insert replacing phpBB3..phpbb_topics_posted (user_id, topic_id, topic_posted) select 0, topic_id, 1 from phpBB3..phpbb_topics, DB.DBA.NEWS_MULTI_MSG where topic_virt_id = NM_KEY_ID and NM_GROUP = tt_nm_group; if (mod(tt_inx,100) = 0) { result(cast(tt_inx as varchar) || ' topics done.'); }; tt_inx := tt_inx + 1; } } tt_done:; close tt_cr; result('All ' || cast(tt_inx as varchar) || ' topics done.'); } { declare pp_cr dynamic cursor for SELECT NM_KEY_ID, NM_GROUP FROM DB.DBA.NEWS_MULTI_MSG MULTI; declare pp_nm_key_id, pp_nm_group any; declare pp_bm any; declare pp_inx integer; pp_inx := 1; whenever not found goto pp_done; open pp_cr; while (1) { fetch pp_cr into pp_nm_key_id, pp_nm_group; for SELECT MULTI.NM_KEY_ID as _post_virt_id, phpBB3..get_topic_id (MULTI.NM_GROUP, MSG.NM_HEAD, MSG.NM_ID) as _topic_id, phpBB3..virt2forum_id (MULTI.NM_GROUP, 1) as _forum_id, phpBB3..get_poster_id (phpBB3..get_field_raw (MSG.NM_HEAD, 'From')) as _poster_id, phpBB3..get_post_date (MSG.NM_HEAD) as _post_time, phpBB3..get_field (MSG.NM_HEAD, 'From') as _post_username, phpBB3..get_field (MSG.NM_HEAD, 'Subject') as _post_subject, phpBB3..decode_body(MSG.NM_BODY) as _post_text FROM DB.DBA.NEWS_MSG MSG INNER JOIN DB.DBA.NEWS_MULTI_MSG MULTI on MSG.NM_ID = MULTI.NM_KEY_ID WHERE MULTI.NM_KEY_ID = pp_nm_key_id AND MULTI.NM_GROUP = pp_nm_group do { if (_topic_id is null) { INSERT INTO phpBB3..phpbb_topics (topic_virt_id, forum_id, topic_title, topic_poster, topic_time) values (_post_virt_id, _forum_id, _post_subject, _poster_id, _post_time); _topic_id := identity_value (); insert replacing phpBB3..phpbb_topics_posted (user_id, topic_id, topic_posted) values (_poster_id, _topic_id, 1); } INSERT INTO phpBB3..phpbb_posts (post_virt_id, topic_id, forum_id, poster_id, post_time, poster_ip, post_username, post_subject, enable_bbcode, enable_smilies, enable_sig, post_edit_time, post_edit_count, post_text) values (_post_virt_id, _topic_id, _forum_id, _poster_id, _post_time, '', _post_username, _post_subject, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, _post_text); } if (mod(pp_inx,100) = 0) { result (cast(pp_inx as varchar) || ' posts done.'); } pp_inx := pp_inx + 1; } pp_done:; close pp_cr; result('All ' || cast(pp_inx as varchar) || ' posts done.'); } { declare _last_id, _first_id, _topic_replies integer; declare tid,fid integer; declare cr cursor for SELECT topic_id as tid, forum_id as fid FROM phpBB3..phpbb_topics; whenever not found goto done; open cr; while (1) { fetch cr into tid,fid; _first_id := 0; _last_id := 0; _first_id := (SELECT TOP 1 post_id FROM phpBB3..phpbb_posts PS1 WHERE PS1.topic_id = tid ORDER BY post_time); _last_id := (SELECT TOP 1 post_id FROM phpBB3..phpbb_posts PS2 WHERE PS2.topic_id = tid ORDER BY post_time DESC); _topic_replies := (SELECT count(post_id) FROM phpBB3..phpbb_posts WHERE topic_id = tid); if (isnull(_first_id)) _first_id := 0; if (isnull(_last_id)) _last_id := 0; if (isnull(_topic_replies) or _topic_replies < 2) _topic_replies := 0; else _topic_replies := _topic_replies - 1; UPDATE phpBB3..phpbb_topics SET topic_first_post_id = _first_id, topic_last_post_id = _last_id, topic_replies = _topic_replies WHERE CURRENT OF cr; UPDATE phpBB3..phpbb_forums SET forum_last_post_id = _last_id WHERE forum_id = fid; } done:; } __atomic(1); }; create procedure phpBB3..sync_stats () { declare stat, tmp, tmp1 any; UPDATE phpBB3..phpbb_forums SET forum_posts = (SELECT COUNT(post_id) from phpBB3..phpbb_posts pp where pp.forum_id = phpBB3..phpbb_forums.forum_id), forum_topics = (SELECT COUNT(topic_id) from phpBB3..phpbb_topics pt where pt.forum_id = phpBB3..phpbb_forums.forum_id); SELECT COUNT(post_id) into stat FROM phpbb_posts WHERE post_approved = 1; UPDATE phpbb_config SET config_value = stat WHERE config_name = 'num_posts'; SELECT COUNT(topic_id) into stat FROM phpbb_topics WHERE topic_approved = 1; UPDATE phpbb_config SET config_value = stat WHERE config_name = 'num_topics'; SELECT COUNT(user_id) into stat FROM phpbb_users WHERE user_type IN (0,3); UPDATE phpbb_config SET config_value = stat WHERE config_name = 'num_users'; SELECT COUNT(attach_id) into stat FROM phpbb_attachments WHERE is_orphan = 0; UPDATE phpbb_config SET config_value = stat WHERE config_name = 'num_files'; SELECT SUM(filesize) into stat FROM phpbb_attachments WHERE is_orphan = 0; UPDATE phpbb_config SET config_value = '0' WHERE config_name = 'upload_dir_size'; SELECT TOP 1 user_id, username, user_colour into stat, tmp, tmp1 FROM phpbb_users WHERE user_type IN (0, 3) ORDER BY user_id DESC; UPDATE phpbb_config SET config_value = stat WHERE config_name = 'newest_user_id'; UPDATE phpbb_config SET config_value = tmp WHERE config_name = 'newest_username'; UPDATE phpbb_config SET config_value = tmp1 WHERE config_name = 'newest_user_colour'; for SELECT COUNT(p.post_id) AS num_posts, u.user_id as uid FROM phpbb_users u LEFT JOIN phpbb_posts p ON (u.user_id = p.poster_id AND p.post_postcount = 1) GROUP BY u.user_id do { UPDATE phpbb_users SET user_posts = num_posts WHERE user_id = uid; } } ; phpBB3..init_db (); phpBB3..sync_stats (); checkpoint; phpBB3..cache_clear (); SET TRIGGERS ON;