ODS Feed Manager WebID? Protocol Share Subscription

  1. Make sure the im.dll file is located in your server database plugin folder and is included in your virtuoso ini:

    ... [Plugins] LoadPath = ./plugin Load1 = plain,im ...

  2. Install ODS Weblog Manager and ODS Feed Manager VAD packages.

  3. Go to http://cname:port/ods and register user, for ex. with name demo and password demo.
    • Note: you can also use an existing ODS user for the next steps

  4. Logged in as user demo, click the link "Feed Manager" from the left vertical navigation.

  5. Go to "Administration" -> "subscribe" in order to add subscriptions(s) .
  6. Specify type of the feed(s) source and click "Next"

  7. Enter for ex. Subscription URL and click "Subscribe"

  8. Finally optionally can specify "Folder" for the subscription, and click "Subscribe".

  9. Suppose a new subscription with name "Kingsley Idehen's Blog Data Space" is created.
  10. The subscription should be shown in the list of subscription feeds for user demo.

  11. Click the "edit" link for the subscription "Kingsley Idehen's Blog Data Space".
  12. The Main properties tab for the subscription should be shown.

  13. Go to the "Sharing" tab:

    • To share the subscription to a person, see details here.
    • To share the subscription to group of users, see details here.
    • To share the subscription to public, see details here.
