This is a diff between 1.1 and 1.2 revisions:

CategoryODS CategoryOpenSource CategoryWebSite * [[][Understanding Data Objects]]. * [[][Understanding Data]] * [[ODSTipsAndTricksGuide][ODS Tips and Tricks Collection]]---+++Additional Information * [[][Orri Erling's Weblog Data Space]]. * [[][Kingsley Idehen's Data Space commentary and articles]] * [[][Kingsley Idehen's Blog Data Space]] * [[][Virtuoso Technology Blog]]---+++Weblogs & Commentary * [[][Virtuoso OAuth Programmers' Guide]]. * [[ODSSIOCRef][ODS SIOC Reference]] * [[ODSProgrammersGuide][ODS Programmers' Guide]] * [[][SPARQL Tutorials Part 4: Exploring FOAF-, Atom OWL-, Annotea-, and SKOS-based Data Spaces on the Linked Data Web]] * [[][SPARQL Tutorials Part 3: SPARQL and Analytics]] * [[][SPARQL Tutorials Part 2: SPARQL Extensions in the Virtuoso Universal Server]] * [[][SPARQL Tutorials Part 1: Using SIOC to Model the Linked Data Web]]---+++Reference Guides * [[ODSSWATOTutorial][SWATO Tutorial]] * [[OdsOpenIDRegister][Register ODS User with OpenID2 Tutorial]] * [[][WebID Protocol & SPARQL Endpoint ACLs Tutorial]] * [[][SPARQL OAuth Tutorial]] * [[VirtuosoOdsUbiquityTutorialsOAuth][OAuth Ubiquity Tutorial]] * [[VirtuosoOdsUbiquityTutorials][ODS Ubiquity Commands Tutorials]] * [[VOSODSSparqlSamples][ODS SIOC Query Tutorial]] * [[ODSProfileManagerGuide][ODS-Profile Manger Usage Guide]]---+++ODS Tutorials * [[OdsFAQ][ODS FAQ]] * [[DataSpaceFAQ][Data Space FAQ]]---+++FAQs * [[][Drupal Demo Instance]] * [[][phpBB3 Demo Instance]] * [[][WordPress Demo Instance]] * [[][MediaWiki Demo Instance]]---++++Live Demonstrations * [[OdsIntegrationFacebook][Facebook - Installation & Configuration]] * [[OdsIntegrationDrupal][Drupal]] * [[OdsIntegrationphpBB][phpBB]] * [[OdsIntegrationWordPress][WordPress]] * [[OdsIntegrationMediaWiki][MediaWiki]] ---++++Installation Guides---+++ Third-Party Platform Integration * [[OdsGettingStarted][General Intranet Quick Start Guides]] by functionality realm---++++Intranet Quick Start Guides * [[ODSSPARQLQuerying][Use SPARQL to Query?]] * [[VirtuosoAppODSUsers][Administrate ODS User Profile using Third Party Languages?]] * [[VirtSyncMLAndroidToVirtuoso][Synchronize my events, tasks and contacts using SyncML?]] * [[OdsSPARQLAuth][Perform SPARUL over SPARQL using the "/sparql-auth" endpoint?]] * [[ODSSWATOTutorial][Perform the Distributed Social Network use case specified by SWATO level 0?]] * [[ODSSemanticPingback][Use the Semantic Pingback?]] * [[OdsFacebookIntegration][Manage Facebook integration?]] * [[][Learn About Virtuoso's SPARQL Query Language Support, By Example?]] * [[VirtWebDAVInsertQuadStore][Use WebDAV extractor to insert triples via SPARUL into the Quad Store]] * [[OdsOpenIDRegister][Register ODS User with OpenID2?]] * [[OdsAPlusLinks][Set &lt;a>++ links?]] * [[VirtuosoOdsUbiquity][Use the Virtuoso ODS Ubiquity Commands?]] * [[ODSAppManageResources][Manage my resources, bookmarks, contacts, calendar events and tasks?]] * [[ODSRDFSinkFolder][Get Data into Virtuoso Quad Store via the ODS-Briefcase's special RDF Sink Folder]] * [[VirtMOATSettings][Give My Data Space Content Tags Meaning via MOAT Ontology]] * [[OdsSetLoginAuthenticaionKeys][Set up Login Authentication Keys?]] * [[OdsAccessPoints][Use ODS Application Endpoints (URL Redirection)?]] * [[VirtTaggingManagement][Create & Share Automatic Content Tagging Rules]] * [[ODSManageRESTFeatures][Use the REST supported features?]] * [[ODSManageOAuthWG][Use the OAuth-Simple Web Discovery feature?]] * [[ODSManageOAuthFeatures][Use the OAuth supported features?]] * [[ODSWebIDACLInstanceSetting][Set up WebID ACL for ODS Dataspace Instance?]] * [[VirtPubSubHubACL][Set Up PubSubHub to use WebID Protocol- or IP-based control lists?]] * [[VirtODSPubSubHub][Set up PubSubHub in ODS?]] * [[ODSManageWebIDFeatures][Use WebID Protocol?]] * [[][Constrain Resource Access Using Social Relationship Semantics and WebID?]] * [[][Constrain Resource Access To Group Members using SPARQL ASK Query and Web-accessible Linked Data?]] * [[ODSWebIDIdP][How can I use the Delegated WebID Verification Service?]] * [[ODSWebIDIdpProxy][How can I use the WebID Identity Provider Proxy Service?]] * [[ODSGenerateX509Certificate][Generate an X.509 Certificate hosted WebID?]] * [[GetAPersonalURIIn5MinutesOrLess][Get a Personal URI via ODS in 5 minutes or less!]]---++++How Do I... * [[][Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2)]] * [[OdsConfig][Installing and Configuring ODS]] ---++++Installation Guidesyour browser to <code>[[http://localhost:8890/ods][http://localhost:8890/ods]]</code>. See [[OdsConfig][Setting up ODS]] for a simple configuration guide. If you are running the server with the default demo database configuration, simply point ODS is pre-installed as part of the demonstration database (<code>demo.db</code>) bundled with OpenLink Virtuoso Open-Source Edition. ---+++Getting Started * [[VirtuosoOdsUbiquity][Virtuoso ODS Ubiquity Commands support]] * [[OdsSPARQLAuth][(ODS) accounts perform SPARUL over SPARQL using the new "/sparql-auth" endpoint]] * [[OdsWebDAVBrowse][WebDAV browse feature for ODS users]] * [[OdsAPlusLinks][ODS &lt;a&gt;++ Links support]] * [[ODSProgrammersGuideOpenSocial][OpenSocial API support]] * [[ODSRDFSinkFolder][ODS RDF Sink folder support]] * [[ODSYadis][ODS Yadis support]] * [[ODSOpenID][ODS OpenID support]] * [[ODSOpenIDAnnounceText][ODS OpenID and Yadis Release]]---+++News * [[OdsWiki][ODS-Wiki]] -- A Wiki Platform supporting the Atom Publishing Protocol, Twiki, MediaWiki (Wikimedia), and Creole markup dialectsSIOC, OPML, OCS, and other formatsMeta Weblog, and Blogger) and includes automatic generation of content-syndication gems in RSS 1.0, RSS 2.0, Atom, * [[OdsBlog][ODS-Weblog]] -- A comprehensive blogging platform supporting all the major publishing protocols (Atom, Moveable Type, * [[OdsPolls][ODS-Polls]] -- Polls Manager * [[OdsMail][ODS-Mail]] -- A Web-based Email Client * [[OdsGallery][ODS-Gallery]] -- Photo & General Media Sharing * [[OdsFeedManager][ODS-Feed-Manager]] -- An RSS 1.0, RSS 2.0, Atom, OPML, and OCS Feed Aggregator * [[OdseCRM][ODS-eCRM]] -- Web-based Customer Relationship Manager. * [[OdsDiscussions][ODS-Discussions]] -- Web-based Newsgroups Aggregator and Reader. * [[OdsCommunity][ODS-Community]] -- Group/Community Mode service for all of the ODS-* applications * [[OdsCalendar][ODS-Calendar]] -- A Calendar manager * [[OdsBriefcase][ODS-Briefcase]] -- A WebDAV-based Unified Storage Solution that incorporates automated extraction and management of metadata * [[OdsBookmarkManager][ODS-Bookmark-Manager]] -- A Shared Bookmark Manager * [[OdsAddressbook][ODS-Addressbook]] -- An Address Book ManagerCollaborative Applications that are equipped with Single-Sign-On (SSO) functionality and auto-generated RDF Data Spaces * [[OdsFramework][ODS-Framework]] -- An [[ODSOpenID][OpenID]]- and [[ODSYadis][Yadis]]-compliant Framework for building Distributed ---+++ Application Components * [[OdsFrameworkProgrammersGuideWebServices][SOAP & REST APIs]]---++++Web Services * Blogger * <nop>MetaWeblog * Moveable Type * Atom 1.0 * [[OdsGData][GData]] ODS supports the following publishing protocols:---++++ Publishing Protocol Support * [[][SPARQL]] * Full Text Search over HTTP * XQuery/XPath over HTTP * <nop>OpenSearch * [[OdsGData][GData]]ODS supports a number of Query Services:---++++ Query Service Support---+++ Product Features less, by exploiting the agility-producing powers of "Open Data Access" across enterprise and/or Web domains.All of this is happening at a time when individuals and organizations alike are seeking to do more with silos, due to the popularity of Web 2.0 solution patterns. problem is the fact that the exponential growth of user generated data has resulted in a proliferation of data comprehension of the resulting data streams is at best static, and typically shrinking. Compounding the User content across the Web, both Intranet and Extranet, is growing exponentially, while time, attention, and ---+++ Challenges Alleviated via ODSHTTP-compatible client to obtain a negotiated representation of the description of any ODS data item. Every item of data within an ODS instance is endowed with a de-referenceable URI. This enables any photo galleries, discussion forums, polls, and more.collaborative applications covering: blogs, wikis, shared bookmarks, file management, calendaring, email, ODS is an industry standards-compliant data space platform that includes a broad collection of distributed ---++ What is <nop>OpenLink Data Spaces? * publish (upstream) & subscribe (downstream) model data exchange * instant messaging * discussions & conversations * wikis * blogs * feed subscriptions * bookmarks * calendars * file sharing * Shared application spaces such as: * Product & Service Offer-Lists * Product & Service Wish-Lists * Areas of Interest * Likes and Dislikes * Favorite Things * Online Accounts * Structured profiles for individuals or organizations (and other groups) exposing rich metadata for:Data Spaces provide a powerful conceptual model based virtualization layer that sits atop heterogeneous data sources. They enable the creation, publication, and general management of structured data items (data objects) from a pool of disparate data sour---+++ Why are Data Spaces important?In relation to the Web, data spaces provide clustered points of access to data object; basically, they provide structured data access partitioning just as 'machine names' provide name oriented partitioning for DNS and 'table names' the same for database * Creation, Update, and Deletion privileges are controlled by the Data Space owner. * Data Object Representation is delivered via structured content constrained by a Schema (in this case the Entity-Attribute-Value model) * Data Object Identity is distinct from its Content, Structure, and Location (Address) * Each Data Item is a Data Object endowed with a unique HTTP-based Identifierhas a unique identifier. Fundamental characteristics of data spaces include:A named structured data cluster within a distributed data network where each item of data (each "datum") ---++ What are Data Spaces?%TOC%---+ <nop>OpenLink Data Spaces