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  • ODS.ODSMailEncryptAsymmetric(Last) -- DAVWikiAdmin? , 2018-04-05 15:34:51 Edit WebDAV System Administrator 2018-04-05 15:34:51

    ODS Webmail Example for Encrypting Emails using Asymmetric Key Technology

    Assume the following scenario where John sends encrypted email message to Kate:


    1. Perform the steps from the Virtuoso ODS-Mail Installation Guide.
      • In our example we will use for domain name: mytest.com
    2. Install the ODS Addressbook vad package: ods_addressbook_dav.vad

    Configure ODS User and Webmail settings

    1. Register two users in ODS: John and Kate respectively with emails for ex.: john@yahoo.com and kate@yahoo.com

    2. John and Kate create ODS Webmail instances:
      1. Go to Application Settings ->Application Management and click "New Web Application" button:

      2. Click "Create Application" for application type "Mail".
      3. In the presented form choose domain "mytest.com":

      4. Click "Create and Launch Application"
    3. John creates X.509 Certificate with mail john@mytest.com.
    4. Kate creates X.509 Certificate with mail kate@mytest.com.
    5. John exports his X.509 Certificate, for ex. to local file with name john.p12.
    6. Kate exports her X.509 Certificate, for ex. to local file with name kate.p12.
    7. Kate extracts her Public Key and shares it to John:

      $ openssl pkcs12 -in kate.p12 -out KatePublicKey.pem -clcerts -nokeys Enter Import Password:******* MAC verified OK

      • Suppose the generated Public Key KatePublicKey.pem has the following content:

        Bag Attributes friendlyName: kate's OpenLink Software, Inc. ID #2 localKeyID: 86 14 1A E2 08 CD 05 DC 37 37 04 ED A3 A9 7A 2E AF 7C 3D F2 subject=/CN=kate/C=US/O=OL/emailAddress=kate@mytest.com issuer=/C=US/ST=MA/O=OpenLink Software, Inc./OU=Virtuoso/CN=Root CA/emailAddress=ods@openlinksw.com -----BEGIN CERTIFICATE----- MIID3zCCAsegAwIBAgIBRjANBgkqhkiG9w0BAQQFADCBhDELMAkGA1UEBhMCVVMx CzAJBgNVBAgTAk1BMSAwHgYDVQQKExdPcGVuTGluayBTb2Z0d2FyZSwgSW5jLjER MA8GA1UECxMIVmlydHVvc28xEDAOBgNVBAMTB1Jvb3QgQ0ExITAfBgkqhkiG9w0B CQEWEm9kc0BvcGVubGlua3N3LmNvbTAeFw0xMTA2MTUxMjM5MzZaFw0yMzExMTEw NDM5MzZaMEkxDTALBgNVBAMTBGthdGUxCzAJBgNVBAYTAlVTMQswCQYDVQQKEwJP TDEeMBwGCSqGSIb3DQEJARYPa2F0ZUBteXRlc3QuY29tMIIBIjANBgkqhkiG9w0B AQEFAAOCAQ8AMIIBCgKCAQEAuObpEatzo88cyFILUhdW/TRCoyt6e5r8e8+bL6Cd f0/Yuz9KcSEEUdnobB59EdOa0t9vQ+dAimVBOeRceDz666KUD0UouICKENNUfLCK MTyGlRr9lzmDpw3hlfIJ7ODtBHQhTD99CPc1E8dksRhWfeMwr7hc+qkT7EJEw1Y9 VYnjTWYPX8UrxVDcg2v9+edoCmA4BjiClb0+y2CMtdSJqGxPyjDBvqCl0cTC2Kpj 4o4WreEDhVS/MBmlj1njxst2TZKm4WDC1XnbHsR8x/HDVnip9yju5z/2l65jviYp IbAp+WSHpTk4x/hWz3PmyxyyUKpTV4THxZTqSCXD3diJ/wIDAQABo4GVMIGSMB0G A1UdDgQWBBRBa9q230F9filCpYGDwcMqiGVL8jBCBgNVHREEOzA5hjdodHRwOi8v b2RzLXFhLm9wZW5saW5rc3cuY29tL2RhdGFzcGFjZS9wZXJzb24va2F0ZSN0aGlz MC0GCWCGSAGG+EIBDQQgFh5WaXJ0dW9zbyBHZW5lcmF0ZWQgQ2VydGlmaWNhdGUw DQYJKoZIhvcNAQEEBQADggEBACS1UtjcZnuVD4rH5Bzdpgg/lwwf3w8xN2HVhH20 4akMT9PvNVQaxcprBCLTmfXZ7mi14GiGvkKND/3wdDrp+06J3NE28/0uYPL6HS4b Uak9U4PRXcsLKTyHSnZ6zHll/cQ4f8V9U4Wjm2/BXxNeOdEB2U3NVG1lhc2xBBs8 NkXNl78xb9ME99EIaZKuASPBspY+tWPmofL0DPGH32hsPDGLrKWR/RAE1EqItyJe p4+Fdm5sD7xgzHNuPLj9YYRfxHq31Al7cZZYh9fdvCYJQZDNDulxySqFI+tZ7SCp EMTMShHZxJNQCF0yHO4d3tOIzZq3EaaYQ4FguCTH0kQ7eiE= -----END CERTIFICATE-----

    8. John creates ODS AddressBook? instance: from "Application Settings ->Application Management" or click "AddressBook?" from the left vertical navigation:

    9. John adds a new AddressBook? contact with name "Kate":
      1. In the AddressBook? UI, click "New contact":

      2. In the presented "Main" tab enter "name": Kate

      3. Go to tab "Contact" and enter "Mail": <none>

      4. Go to tab "X.509 Certificate" and enter the content of the Public Key from above for Kate: KatePublicKey.pem:

    10. John and Kate set in their ODS Profile a Private Key:
      1. Go to Profile ->Edit ->Security->Certificate & Private Key

      2. Click "Import key from local file" and respectively for John select his certificate john.p12 and for Kate select her certificate kate.p12:

      3. Enter "Key Name" for ex. respectively for John: JohnKey? and for Kate: KateKey? and provide the certificate password:

      4. Click "Import Key"
      5. As result for both John and Kate should be displayed in the Certificate & Private Key List the imported certificate:

    11. John configures his Webmail Settings:
      1. Go to Webmail instance->Preferences and set:
        1. For "Encryption (with certificate)": select the "JohnKey?" key.
        2. Select "Required (can't send message unless all recipients have certificates)"

        3. Finally click "Save"to set the changes.
      2. Kate goes to her Webmail instance->Preferences and sets:
        1. For "Encryption (with certificate)": select the "KateKey?" key.

        2. Finally click "Save"to set the changes.
    12. John sends encrypted email message to Kate:
      1. John goes to his Webmail instance -> Write Message:

      2. For "To" field clicks the "Select" button or manually enters Kate's email kate@mytest.com>

      3. John enters "Subject" for ex: "This is encrypted msg" and "Message": "Simple test"

      4. John clicks "send message" and message for successfully sending the message should be shown:

    13. Kate receives the encrypted message from John:
      1. Kate goes to her Webmail instance -> Inbox where should be displayed the new message from John:
