%META:TOPICPARENT{name="OdsMail"}% ---+ Synchronizing Mozilla Thunderbird IMAP4 account store with ODS-Mail IMAP4 mapped instance This guide demonstrates how to use the synchronize IMAP4 account store in Mozilla Thunderbird with ODS-MAil instance with set IMAP4 account: 1 [[ODSMailIMAP4External][Configure an external IMAP4 account in ODS-Mail]] for ex. for Google IMAP4 account with name ods.check. 1 Open Mozilla Thunderbird and go to File -> New -> Existing Mail Account: %BR%%BR%%BR%%BR% 1 Enter the IMAP account name, e-mail and password: %BR%%BR%%BR%%BR% 1 Click "Continue": %BR%%BR%%BR%%BR% %BR%%BR%%BR%%BR% 1 Make sure "IMAP" check-box is selected. Click "Create Account" 1 The IMAP4 Account should be created and displayed in the list of available mail accounts: %BR%%BR%%BR%%BR% 1 Select your new IMAP4 Account name from the presented list and right-click go to "New Folder": %BR%%BR%%BR%%BR% 1 Enter folder name, for ex: Notes: %BR%%BR%%BR%%BR% 1 Click "Create Folder". 1 The New folder should be presented in your IMAP4 account's folders tree: %BR%%BR%%BR%%BR% 1 Go to ODS-Mail -> Preferences -> External Accounts and manually force get mail for the manually created from above IMAP4 account: %BR%%BR%%BR%%BR% 1 Go to ODS-Mail-> Folders tree where the new IMAP4 folder "Notes" should appear in your IMAP4 account folders tree: %BR%%BR%%BR%%BR% 1 [[ODSMailIMAP4FilterRule][Create filter]] for incoming messages containing "Notes" to be moved to the "Notes" IMAP4 folder. 1 Send a mail message to the IMAP4 account with subject containing the string: "Note": %BR%%BR%%BR%%BR% 1 In ODS-Mail go to Preferences -> External Accounts and get mail for you IMAP4 account: %BR%%BR%%BR%%BR% %BR%%BR%%BR%%BR% 1 Go to your IMAP mapping folder. As result should be presented one new message in the "Notes" folder: %BR%%BR%%BR%%BR% 1 Expand the "Notes" folder in order to view the new message arrived: %BR%%BR%%BR%%BR% ---++Related * [[OdsMail][ODS-Mail]] * [[OdsMailInstallGuide][ODS-Mail's Installation Guide]] * [[OdsMailFiltersGuide][Creating Filters in ODS-Mail]] * [[ODSMailWebIDFilterRule][Web ID Filter Rule Example]]; * [[ODSMailIMAP4FilterRule][Set Filter Rule associated with IMAP4 account Example]]; * [[OdsMailSpamFilterGuide][Set Spam Filter Example]]; * [[ODSMailSpamFilterRule][Manage Spam Filter with Addressbook interaction]] * [[ODSMailWebIDSMIME][ODS-Mail's SMIME + WebID Support Guide]] * [[OdsWebmailProgrammersGuide][ODS-Mail's Programmers Guide]] * [[ODSMailPop3External][Configure an external POP3 account in ODS-Mail]] * [[ODSMailIMAP4External][Configure an external IMAP4 account in ODS-Mail]] CategoryMail CategoryODS CategoryOpenSource CategoryHowTo CategoryOdsMail