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  • ODS.ODSWebIDIdPJavascriptModify(1.1) -- DAVWikiAdmin? , 2017-06-13 06:03:10 Edit WebDAV System Administrator 2017-06-13 06:03:10

    Javascript pages modification notes

    The Javascript pages can be tested/used both in case they are located in OS file system / or DAV.

    By default with the ODS Framework package installation is created virtual folder /ods/webid which is mapped to the created created by default OS file system type folder vsp\vad\vsp\wa\webid.

    Scenario 1

    In case you want to add your own Javascript page, you need to add it to the existing OS file system type folder vsp\vad\vsp\wa\webid / or to any DAV location. If you choose a DAV location, make sure you create a new virtual folder that is mapped to this DAV location. For ex.:
    1. Suppose your new Javascript page is named mytest.html and you have placed it in DAV location /DAV/home/demo:

    2. To create a virtual folder for ex. mytest, go to Conductor -> Web Application Server -> Virtual Domains & Directories and expand the UI for your lets say Default Web Site:

    3. Click "New Directory"

    4. Specify type: "WebDAV? domain":

    5. Click "Next"
    6. In the presented form specify:
      • Path: /mytest
      • Check-box "Physical path is a WebDAV? repository" should be hatched.
      • Physical path: /DAV/home/demo/

    7. Click "Save Changes".
    8. Access your Javascript page with the new created path: http://host:port/mytest/mytest.html
    9. After choosing a valid certificate, your modified Javascript page should be presented:

    Scenario 2

    In case you want to use another path for accessing your Javascript page, different from the default virtual folder /ods/webid, you need to create a new virtual folder which is mapped to the OS file system type folder vsp\vad\vsp\wa\webid.

    1. Suppose the Javascript page webid_demo.html is located at your OS file system /vsp/vad/vsp/wa folder.
    2. To create a new virtual folder, for ex. fstest go to Conductor -> Web Application Server -> Virtual Domains & Directories and expand the UI for your lets say Default Web Site:

    3. Click "New Directory"

    4. Specify type: "File system":

    5. Click "Next"
    6. In the presented form specify:
      • Path: /fstest
      • Check-box "Physical path is a WebDAV? repository" should be un-hatched.
      • Physical path: /vad/vsp/wa/webid

    7. Click "Save Changes".
    8. Access the Javascript page with the new created path: http://host:port/fstest/webid_demo.html
    9. After choosing a valid certificate, the Javascript page should be presented:
