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  • ODS.ODSWeblogBloggerAPI(Last) -- DAVWikiAdmin? , 2017-06-13 06:01:32 Edit WebDAV System Administrator 2017-06-13 06:01:32

    ODS Weblog Blogger API

    • blogger.newPost

      Description: Creates a new post, and optionally publishes it. Parameters: "appkey" string "blogid" string "username" string "password" string "content" string "publish" boolean Return value: on success: "postid" string - ID of the new post; on failure: fault

    • blogger.editPost

      Description: Updates the information about an existing post. Parameters: "appkey" string "postid" string "username" string "password" string "content" string "publish" boolean Return value: on success: boolean true value on failure: fault

    • blogger.deletePost

      Description: Deletes a post. Parameters: "appkey" string "postid" string "username" string "password" string "publish" boolean Return value: on success: boolean true value on failure: fault

    • blogger.getPost
    • blogger.getRecentPosts

      Description: Returns a list of the most recent posts in the system. Parameters: "appkey" string "blogid" string "username" string "password" string "numberOfPosts" int Return value: on success: array of structs containing: { "dateCreated" ISO.8601 date string "userid" string "postid" string "content" string } on failure: fault

    • blogger.getUsersBlogs Description: Returns a list of weblogs to which a user has posting privileges. Parameters: "appkey" string "username" string "password" string Return value: on success: array of structs containing { "url" string "blogid" string "blogName" string } on failure: fault </verbatim>
    • blogger.getTemplate

      Parameters: "appkey" string "blogid" string "username" string "password" string templateType string: Determines which of the blog's templates will be returned. Currently, either "main" or "archiveIndex" can be accepted. Return value: on success: string containing the template "content" on failure: fault

    • blogger.setTemplate

      Parameters: "appkey" string "blogid" string "username" string "password" string "template" string: The text for the new template (usually an HTML "content"). "templateType" string: Determines which of the blog's templates will be returned. Currently, either "main" or "archiveIndex". Return value: on success: true value, boolean, on failure: fault

    • blogger.getUserInfo

      Description: Returns information about an author in the system. Parameters: "appkey" string "username" string "password" string Return value: on success: struct containing: { string userid string firstname string lastname string nickname string email string url } on failure: fault Notes: firstname is the Movable Type "username" up to the first space character, and lastname is the "username" after the first space character.

    ODS Weblog Blogger API Services UI Endpoint

    ODS Weblog Blogger API Services UI endpoint:


    ODS Weblog Blogger API Services wsdl Endpoint:

