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  • ODS.OdsBriefcaseDropBoxWebIDACL(1.1) -- DAVWikiAdmin? , 2017-06-13 06:07:51 Edit WebDAV System Administrator 2017-06-13 06:07:51

    WebID? ACL protect a mounted DropBox? remote collection of resources

    The following guide presents simple scenario how to WebID? ACL protect a remote mounted DropBox? resources collection:

    1. Generate an X.509 WebID Certificate, for ex. for this WebID?:


    2. On a remote Virtuoso Briefcase instance Mediate access to data stored on DropBox. For ex. in folder named "MyDropBox?":

    3. Click "Edit":

    4. Go to "Sharing":

    5. Set WebID? ACL by adding the WebID? from above:


    6. Export from your Browser Certificates store the generated certificate and its private key for ex. into file with name demo.pfx.
    7. Go to your local ODS Data Space instance at http://host:port/ods

    8. Click Sign In and enter your user's credentials:

    9. Go to Edit Profile -> Security -> Generate & Private Key:

    10. Import the private key from the generated from above certificate, for ex. under name: "MyKey?":

    11. Go to Briefcase:

    12. Click "Create new folder":

    13. In the presented form:
      • Specify name, for ex: "RemoteDropBox?";
      • Specify type "WebDAV?":

    14. Go to the "WebDAV?" tab:

    15. In the presented form enter respectively:
      • Set "Activity manager (on/off)" to on;
      • For "WebDAV? path" enter the WebDAV? path to the mounted from above remote collection https://host:port/DAV/home/user-name/folder-name/ ;
      • Set "Authentication type" to "WebID?";
      • Set in "User's Key" the imported private key "MyKey?" from above;
      • Set "Graph name" or leave the default suggested value;
      • Set "Sponger" to on and specify which Extractor and Meta Cartridges to be included when sponging:

    16. Click "Create".
    17. The WebDAV? folder should be created:

    18. Click the link name of the freshly created "RemoteDropBox?" folder.
    19. Should be presented the content of the remote mounted DropBox? collection:
