
Virtuoso Default SPARQL 1.1 related Endpoint Vulnerability

A vulnerability scenario has been discovered in the default /sparql endpoint of prior Virtuoso 7.2 releases, whereby despite defaulting to read-only access (using coarse-grained SQL ROLE based Security) certain SPARQL 1.1 INSERT & DELETE operations are possible, contrary to the perception relayed by the following error message:

Virtuoso 42000 Error SR186:SECURITY: No permission to execute procedure DB.DBA.SPARQL_DELETE_DICT_CONTENT with user ID {some-user-id}, group ID {some-sql-role-account-id}.

This issue has been resolved in the latest 7.2.4+ (3217+) build releases and available from the Virtuoso Download page.

For those running earlier releases the following SQL commands immediately secure existing instances, courtesy of Virtuoso's finer-grained Graph Security layer:

DB.DBA.RDF_DEFAULT_USER_PERMS_SET ('nobody', 0, 1); -- nobody has no access to private named graphs
DB.DBA.RDF_DEFAULT_USER_PERMS_SET ('nobody', 1, 0); -- 'nobody' can only read public named graphs

Note this workaround has performance impact and can be disabled following upgrade to the new 7.2.4+ (3217+) binary. If you simply want to secure a specific named graph, you can issue the following:
