---++Weblog Controllers weblog.post.new ( inst_id int, categories any := null, date_created datetime := null, description varchar, enclosure any := null, source any := null, title varchar, link varchar := null, author varchar := null, comments varchar := null, allow_comments smallint := 1, allow_pings smallint := 1, convert_breaks smallint := 0, excerpt varchar := null, tb_ping_urls any := null, text_more varchar := null, keywords varchar := null, publish smallint := 1 ) weblog.post.edit ( post_id int, categories any, date_created datetime, description varchar, enclosure any, source any, title varchar, link varchar, author varchar, comments varchar, allow_comments smallint, allow_pings smallint, convert_breaks smallint, excerpt varchar, tb_ping_urls any, text_more varchar, keywords varchar, publish smallint ) weblog.post.delete (post_id varchar) weblog.post.get (post_id varchar) weblog.comment.get ( post_id varchar, comment_id int := null ) weblog.comment.approve ( post_id int, comment_id int, flag smallint ) weblog.comment.delete ( post_id int, comment_id int ) weblog.comment.new ( post_id int, name varchar, title varchar, email varchar, url varchar, text int ) weblog.get (inst_id int) weblog.options.set ( inst_id int, options any ) weblog.options.get (inst_id int) weblog.upstreaming.set ( in inst_id int, in target_rpc_url varchar, in target_blog_id varchar, in target_protocol_id varchar, in target_uname varchar, in target_password varchar, in acl_allow any, in acl_deny any, in sync_interval int, in keep_remote smallint, in max_retries int, in max_retransmits int := 5, in initialize_log int := 0 ) weblog.upstreaming.get ( inst_id int, job_id int := null ) weblog.upstreaming.remove (job_id int) weblog.tagging.set ( inst_id int, flag int ) weblog.tagging.retag ( inst_id int, keep_existing_tags int ) ---+++Examples * [[VirtOAuthTestToolExampleWeblog][ODS Weblog OAuth REST API Example performed with the Virtuoso OAuth Testing Tool]] ---+++References * [[VirtuosoOdsControllers][ODS Controllers]]