-- -- $Id: facebook.sql,v 1.24 2010/09/02 11:29:33 ddimitrov Exp $ -- -- This file is part of the OpenLink Software Virtuoso Open-Source (VOS) -- project. -- -- Copyright (C) 1998-2006 OpenLink Software -- -- This project is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it -- under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the -- Free Software Foundation; only version 2 of the License, dated June 1991. -- -- This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but -- WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of -- MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU -- General Public License for more details. -- -- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along -- with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., -- 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA -- wa_exec_no_error('drop type DB.DBA.FacebookRestClient'); wa_exec_no_error('drop type Facebook'); create type DB.DBA.FacebookRestClient as ( api_key varchar, secret varchar, session_key varchar, friends_list any, added integer, last_call_id any, server_addr varchar, debug_mode integer ) constructor method FacebookRestClient(api_key varchar,secret varchar, session_key varchar), -- methods of this UDT correspond to API functions of Facebook - http://wiki.developers.facebook.com/index.php/API method auth_getSession(auth_token any) returns any, method call_method(method varchar,params any) returns any, method post_request(method varchar, params any) returns any, method generate_sig(params_array any, secret varchar) returns varchar, method users_getInfo( uids any,fields any) returns any, method users_isAppAdded() returns any, method friends_areFriends(uids1 any, uids2 any) returns any, method friends_get() returns any, method events_get(uid integer, eids any,start_time integer,end_time integer,rsvp_status varchar) returns any, method events_get(uid integer) returns any, method events_getMembers(eid integer) returns any, method fql_query(_query varchar) returns any, method feed_publishStoryToUser(title varchar,body varchar,image_1 varchar, image_1_link varchar,image_2 varchar,image_2_link varchar, image_3 varchar,image_3_link varchar,image_4 varchar,image_4_link varchar,priority integer) returns any, method feed_publishStoryToUser(title varchar,body varchar) returns any, method feed_publishActionOfUser(title varchar,body varchar,image_1 varchar, image_1_link varchar,image_2 varchar,image_2_link varchar, image_3 varchar,image_3_link varchar,image_4 varchar,image_4_link varchar,priority integer) returns any, method feed_publishActionOfUser(title varchar,body varchar) returns any, method friends_getAppUsers() returns any, method groups_get(uid integer,gids any) returns any, method groups_getMembers(gid integer) returns any, method notifications_get() returns any, method notifications_send(to_ids any,notification varchar, email varchar) returns any, method notifications_sendRequest(to_ids any,type varchar,content varchar, image varchar, invite integer) returns any, method photos_get(subj_id integer,aid integer, pids any) returns any, method photos_getAlbums(uid integer,aids integer) returns any, method photos_getTags(pids any) returns any, method profile_setFBML(markup varchar,uid integer) returns any, method profile_getFBML(uid integer) returns any, method fbml_refreshImgSrc(_url varchar) returns any, method fbml_refreshRefUrl(_url varchar) returns any, method fbml_setRefHandle(_handle varchar,fbml varchar) returns any ; create constructor method FacebookRestClient( in api_key varchar, in secret varchar, in session_key varchar ) for DB.DBA.FacebookRestClient { self.secret := secret; self.session_key := session_key; self.api_key := api_key; self.last_call_id := 0; self.server_addr := get_facebook_url('api')||'/restserver.php'; self.debug_mode := 0; --set this to 1 if you want to see error xml on server console return; } ; create method auth_getSession( in auth_token any ) for DB.DBA.FacebookRestClient { declare _result any; declare _user integer; _result := self.call_method('facebook.auth.getSession', vector('auth_token',auth_token)); if(_result is not null) { self.session_key := cast(xpath_eval('/auth_getSession_response/session_key',_result) as varchar); _user:=cast(xpath_eval('/auth_getSession_response/uid',_result) as integer); if (cast(xpath_eval('/auth_getSession_response/secret',_result) as varchar) is not null) { -- desktop apps have a special secret self.secret := cast(xpath_eval('/auth_getSession_response/secret',_result) as varchar); } return vector(self.session_key,_user); }else return null; } ; -- /* UTILITY FUNCTIONS */ create method call_method( in method varchar, in params any ) for DB.DBA.FacebookRestClient { declare _result any; declare res_xml varchar; res_xml := self.post_request(method, params); -- dbg_obj_print(res_xml); _result:=xtree_doc(res_xml); if(xpath_eval('/error_response',_result) is not null ) { -- dbg_obj_print(cast(xpath_eval('/error_response/error_code',_result) as varchar)); if(self.debug_mode=1) { dbg_obj_print('Facebook REST API returns ERROR XML'); dbg_obj_print(res_xml); } return null; } return _result; } ; create method post_request( in method varchar, in params any ) for DB.DBA.FacebookRestClient { if (params is null) params := vector(); params := vector_concat (params, vector ('method',method)); params := vector_concat (params, vector ('api_key',self.api_key)); --'ad77de6d743402ddb9f9a52ca9321bd0' if(method <> 'facebook.auth.getSession') { if (get_keyword('call_id',params,null) is not null) params := vector_concat(params,vector('call_id',cast(msec_time()+1 as varchar))); else params := vector_concat(params,vector('call_id',cast(msec_time() as varchar))); params := vector_concat(params,vector('session_key',self.session_key)); --'a8c8361138addd75ca7dc340-663197781' } if (get_keyword('v',params,null) is null) { params := vector_concat(params,vector('v','1.0')); } params := vector_concat(params,vector('sig',self.generate_sig(params, self.secret))); --'e54f374e470893968b6c9457e69c6f7a' declare _result,aResult any; declare i,l integer; aResult:=string_output(); i := 0; l := length(params); while(i < l) { -- if (i + 1 < l and isarray (params[i + 1])) goto _skip; if (i > 0) http('&',aResult); http(params[i],aResult); if (i + 1 < l) { http('=',aResult); http_url(params[i + 1],null,aResult); } _skip:; i := i + 2; } declare post_string varchar; post_string:=string_output_string(aResult); declare ret_header, rq_header any; rq_header := 'Content-type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded \r\nUser-Agent: Facebook API VSP Client 1.1'; _result := http_get ('http://api.facebook.com/restserver.php', ret_header, 'POST', rq_header, post_string); --'' return _result; } ; create method generate_sig( in params_array any, in secret varchar ) for DB.DBA.FacebookRestClient { declare str varchar; str := ''; declare params_key any; params_key:=vector(); declare i,l integer; i := 0; l := length (params_array); while (i < l) { declare _key, _val varchar; _key := trim(cast(params_array[i] as varchar)); _val := params_array[i+1]; -- if (_val is not null) -- _val := trim (_val); params_key:=vector_concat(params_key,vector(_key)); i := i + 2; } ; params_key:=__vector_sort(params_key); i := 0; l := length (params_key); while (i < l) { declare _key, _val varchar; _key := params_key[i]; _val := get_keyword(_key,params_array); if (_val is not null) _val := trim (cast(_val as varchar)); str := str || _key || '=' || _val; i := i + 1; } ; str := str||secret; return md5(str); } ; -- /** -- * Returns events according to the filters specified. -- * @param int uid Optional: User associated with events. -- * A null parameter will default to the session user. -- * @param array eids Optional: Filter by these event ids. -- * A null parameter will get all events for the user. -- * @param int start_time Optional: Filter with this UTC as lower bound. -- * A null or zero parameter indicates no lower bound. -- * @param int end_time Optional: Filter with this UTC as upper bound. -- * A null or zero parameter indicates no upper bound. -- * @param string rsvp_status Optional: Only show events where the given uid -- * has this rsvp status. This only works if you have specified a value for -- * uid. Values are as in events.getMembers. Null indicates to ignore -- * rsvp status when filtering. -- * @return array of events -- */ create method events_get( in uid integer, in eids any := '', in start_time integer :=0, in end_time integer :=0, in rsvp_status varchar :='' ) for DB.DBA.FacebookRestClient { return self.call_method('facebook.events.get', vector('uid' , uid, 'eids', eids, 'start_time', start_time, 'end_time', end_time, 'rsvp_status', rsvp_status)); } ; create method events_get( in uid integer ) for DB.DBA.FacebookRestClient { return self.events_get( uid,'',0,0,''); } ; -- /** -- * Returns membership list data associated with an event -- * @param int eid : event id -- * @return assoc array of four membership lists, with keys 'attending', -- * 'unsure', 'declined', and 'not_replied' -- */ create method events_getMembers( in eid integer ) for DB.DBA.FacebookRestClient { return self.call_method('facebook.events.getMembers',vector('eid' , eid)); } ; -- /** -- * Makes an FQL query. This is a generalized way of accessing all the data -- * in the API, as an alternative to most of the other method calls. More -- * info at http://developers.facebook.com/documentation.php?v=1.0&doc=fql -- * @param string query the query to evaluate -- * @return generalized array representing the results -- */ create method fql_query( in _query varchar ) for DB.DBA.FacebookRestClient { return self.call_method('facebook.fql.query',vector('query' , _query)); } ; create method feed_publishStoryToUser( in title varchar, in body varchar, in image_1 varchar :=null, in image_1_link varchar :=null, in image_2 varchar :=null, in image_2_link varchar :=null, in image_3 varchar :=null, in image_3_link varchar :=null, in image_4 varchar :=null, in image_4_link varchar :=null, in priority integer :=1 ) for DB.DBA.FacebookRestClient { return self.call_method('facebook.feed.publishStoryToUser', vector('title' ,title, 'body' ,body, 'image_1' ,image_1, 'image_1_link',image_1_link, 'image_2' ,image_2, 'image_2_link',image_2_link, 'image_3' ,image_3, 'image_3_link',image_3_link, 'image_4' ,image_4, 'image_4_link',image_4_link, 'priority' ,priority)); } ; create method feed_publishStoryToUser( in title varchar, in body varchar ) for DB.DBA.FacebookRestClient { return self.feed_publishStoryToUser(title,body, null,null,null,null,null,null,null,null,1); } ; create method feed_publishActionOfUser( in title varchar, in body varchar, in image_1 varchar :=null, in image_1_link varchar :=null, in image_2 varchar :=null, in image_2_link varchar :=null, in image_3 varchar :=null, in image_3_link varchar :=null, in image_4 varchar :=null, in image_4_link varchar :=null, in priority integer :=1 ) for DB.DBA.FacebookRestClient { return self.call_method('facebook.feed.publishActionOfUser', vector('title' ,title, 'body' ,body, 'image_1' ,image_1, 'image_1_link',image_1_link, 'image_2' ,image_2, 'image_2_link',image_2_link, 'image_3' ,image_3, 'image_3_link',image_3_link, 'image_4' ,image_4, 'image_4_link',image_4_link, 'priority' ,priority)); } ; create method feed_publishActionOfUser( in title varchar, in body varchar ) for DB.DBA.FacebookRestClient { return self.feed_publishActionOfUser(title,body, null,null,null,null,null,null,null,null,1); } ; -- /** -- * Returns the friends of the session user, who are also users -- * of the calling application. -- * @return array of friends -- */ create method friends_getAppUsers() for DB.DBA.FacebookRestClient { return self.call_method('facebook.friends.getAppUsers', vector()); } ; -- /** -- * Returns groups according to the filters specified. -- * @param int uid Optional: User associated with groups. -- * A null parameter will default to the session user. -- * @param array gids Optional: group ids to query. -- * A null parameter will get all groups for the user. -- * @return array of groups -- */ create method groups_get( in uid integer, in gids any ) for DB.DBA.FacebookRestClient { return self.call_method('facebook.groups.get',vector('uid', uid,'gids',gids)); } ; -- /** -- * Returns the membership list of a group -- * @param int gid : Group id -- * @return assoc array of four membership lists, with keys -- * 'members', 'admins', 'officers', and 'not_replied' -- */ create method groups_getMembers( in gid integer ) for DB.DBA.FacebookRestClient { return self.call_method('facebook.groups.getMembers',vector('gid', gid)); } ; -- /** -- * Returns the outstanding notifications for the session user. -- * @return assoc array of -- * notification count objects for 'messages', 'pokes' and 'shares', -- * a uid list of 'friend_requests', a gid list of 'group_invites', -- * and an eid list of 'event_invites' -- */ create method notifications_get() for DB.DBA.FacebookRestClient { return self.call_method('facebook.notifications.get', vector()); } ; -- /** -- * Sends an email notification to the specified user. -- * @return string url which you should send the logged in user to to finalize the message. -- */ create method notifications_send( in to_ids any, in notification varchar, in email varchar :=null ) for DB.DBA.FacebookRestClient { return self.call_method('facebook.notifications.send',vector('to_ids',to_ids, 'notification', notification, 'email', email)); } ; -- /** -- * Sends a request to the specified user (e.g. "you have 1 event invitation") -- * @param array to_ids user ids to receive the request (must be friends with sender, capped at 10) -- * @param string type type of request, e.g. "event" (as in "You have an event invitation.") -- * @param string content fbml content of the request. really stripped down fbml - just -- * text/names/links. also, use the special tag -- * to specify the buttons to be included. -- * @param string image url of an image to show beside the request -- * @param bool invite whether to call it an "invitation" or a "request" -- * @return string url which you should send the logged in user to to finalize the message. -- */ create method notifications_sendRequest( in to_ids any, in type varchar, in content varchar, in image varchar, in invite integer) for DB.DBA.FacebookRestClient { return self.call_method('facebook.notifications.sendRequest', vector('to_ids', to_ids, 'type', type, 'content', content, 'image', image, 'invite', invite)); } ; -- /** -- * Returns photos according to the filters specified. -- * @param int subj_id Optional: Filter by uid of user tagged in the photos. -- * @param int aid Optional: Filter by an album, as returned by -- * photos_getAlbums. -- * @param array pids Optional: Restrict to a list of pids -- * Note that at least one of these parameters needs to be specified, or an -- * error is returned. -- * @return array of photo objects. -- */ create method photos_get( in subj_id integer, in aid integer, in pids any ) for DB.DBA.FacebookRestClient { return self.call_method('facebook.photos.get',vector('subj_id', subj_id, 'aid', aid, 'pids', pids)); } ; -- /** -- * Returns the albums created by the given user. -- * @param int uid Optional: the uid of the user whose albums you want. -- * A null value will return the albums of the session user. -- * @param array aids Optional: a list of aids to restrict the query. -- * Note that at least one of the (uid, aids) parameters must be specified. -- * @returns an array of album objects. -- */ create method photos_getAlbums( in uid integer, in aids integer ) for DB.DBA.FacebookRestClient { return self.call_method('facebook.photos.getAlbums', vector('uid' , uid, 'aids' , aids)); } ; -- /** -- * Returns the tags on all photos specified. -- * @param string pids : a list of pids to query -- * @return array of photo tag objects, with include pid, subject uid, -- * and two floating-point numbers (xcoord, ycoord) for tag pixel location -- */ create method photos_getTags( in pids any ) for DB.DBA.FacebookRestClient { return self.call_method('facebook.photos.getTags', vector('pids' , pids)); } ; -- /** -- * Returns the requested info fields for the requested set of users -- * @param array uids an array of user ids -- * @param array fields an array of strings describing the info fields desired -- * @return array of users -- */ create method users_getInfo( in uids any, in fields any) for DB.DBA.FacebookRestClient { return self.call_method('facebook.users.getInfo', vector('uids', uids, 'fields', fields)); } ; -- /** -- * Returns whether or not the user corresponding to the current session object has the app installed -- * @return boolean -- */ create method users_isAppAdded() for DB.DBA.FacebookRestClient { if (self.added is not null) { return self.added; }else { declare _xmle any; _xmle:=self.call_method('facebook.users.isAppAdded', vector()); if(_xmle is not null) { _xmle:=xpath_eval('/users_isAppAdded_response',_xmle); } if(_xmle is not null) { self.added:=cast(_xmle as integer); return self.added; } } return 0; } ; -- /** -- * Returns whether or not pairs of users are friends. -- * Note that the Facebook friend relationship is symmetric. -- * @param array uids1: array of ids (id_1, id_2,...) of some length X -- * @param array uids2: array of ids (id_A, id_B,...) of SAME length X -- * @return array of uid pairs with bool, true if pair are friends, e.g. -- * array( 0 => array('uid1' => id_1, 'uid2' => id_A, 'are_friends' => 1), -- * 1 => array('uid1' => id_2, 'uid2' => id_B, 'are_friends' => 0) -- * ...) -- */ create method friends_areFriends( in uids1 any, in uids2 any) for DB.DBA.FacebookRestClient { return self.call_method('facebook.friends.areFriends', vector('uids1',uids1, 'uids2', uids2)); } ; -- /** -- * Returns the friends of the current session user. -- * @return array of friends -- */ create method friends_get() for DB.DBA.FacebookRestClient { if (self.friends_list is not null and length(self.friends_list)>0) { return self.friends_list; }else { declare _xmle,friends_arr any; declare i,friends_num integer; _xmle:=self.call_method('facebook.friends.get', vector()); if(_xmle is not null) { _xmle:=xpath_eval('/friends_get_response/uid',_xmle,0); if(length(_xmle)>0) friends_num:=length(_xmle); friends_arr:=vector(); i := 0; while (i < friends_num) { friends_arr:=vector_concat(friends_arr,vector(cast(_xmle[i] as varchar))); i := i + 1; } if(length(friends_arr)>0) return friends_arr; } } return self.call_method('facebook.friends.get', vector()); } ; -- /** -- * Sets the FBML for the profile of the user attached to this session -- * @param string markup The FBML that describes the profile presence of this app for the user -- * @return array A list of strings describing any compile errors for the submitted FBML -- */ create method profile_setFBML( in markup varchar, in uid integer := null) for DB.DBA.FacebookRestClient { return self.call_method('facebook.profile.setFBML', vector('markup' , markup, 'uid' , uid)); } ; create method profile_getFBML( in uid integer ) for DB.DBA.FacebookRestClient { return self.call_method('facebook.profile.getFBML', vector('uid' , uid)); } ; create method fbml_refreshImgSrc( in _url varchar ) for DB.DBA.FacebookRestClient { return self.call_method('facebook.fbml.refreshImgSrc', vector('url' , _url)); } ; create method fbml_refreshRefUrl ( in _url varchar ) for DB.DBA.FacebookRestClient { return self.call_method('facebook.fbml.refreshRefUrl', vector('url', _url)); } ; create method fbml_setRefHandle( in _handle varchar, in fbml varchar ) for DB.DBA.FacebookRestClient { return self.call_method('facebook.fbml.setRefHandle', vector('handle' , _handle, 'fbml' , fbml)); } ; -- #Facebook Type# create type DB.DBA.Facebook as ( api_client DB.DBA.FacebookRestClient, api_key varchar, secret varchar, fb_params any, _user integer, _params any, _lines any ) self as ref constructor method Facebook(api_key varchar,secret varchar,_params any, _lines any), method validate_fb_params () returns any, method get_valid_fb_params(params any, timeout any, namespace any) returns any, method in_fb_canvas() returns integer, method in_frame() returns integer, method verify_signature(fb_params any,expected_sig varchar) returns integer, method set_user( _user integer, session_key varchar, expires any) returns any, method do_get_session(auth_token any) returns any, method redirect(url varchar) returns any, method get_add_url(_next varchar) returns varchar, method get_login_url(_next varchar,canvas integer, skipcookie integer) returns varchar, method require_login(relog integer) returns integer, method get_loggedin_user() returns varchar, method current_url() returns varchar ; create constructor method Facebook( in api_key varchar, in secret varchar, in _params any, in _lines any ) for DB.DBA.Facebook { self.api_key := api_key; self.secret := secret; self._params := _params; self._lines := _lines; self.api_client := new DB.DBA.FacebookRestClient(api_key, secret, null); self.validate_fb_params(); if (get_keyword('friends',self.fb_params,null) is not null) { self.api_client.friends_list := split_and_decode (get_keyword('friends',self.fb_params), 0, '\0\0,'); } if (get_keyword('added',self.fb_params,null) is not null) { self.api_client.added := get_keyword('added',self.fb_params); } } ; create method set_user( in _user integer, in session_key varchar, in expires any ) for DB.DBA.Facebook { declare expires_str varchar; if(expires is null) expires:=now(); if(expires='0') expires:=dateadd ('hour', 168, now()); if(isstring(expires) and expires='0') expires:=dateadd ('day', 15, now()); else expires:=now(); expires_str := sprintf (' expires=%s;', date_rfc1123 (dateadd ('hour', 1, expires))); declare _COOKIE any; _COOKIE:=_get_cookie_vec (self._lines); if (self.in_fb_canvas()=0 AND (get_keyword(self.api_key || '_user',_COOKIE, null) is null OR get_keyword(self.api_key || '_user',_COOKIE, null) <> cast(_user as varchar)) ) { declare cookies any; cookies := vector(); cookies := vector_concat(cookies,vector('user',_user)); cookies := vector_concat(cookies,vector('session_key',session_key)); declare sig any; sig := self.api_client.generate_sig(cookies, self.secret); declare cookie_str varchar; declare i,l integer; i := 0; l := length (cookies); while (i < l) { declare _key, _val varchar; _key := trim (cast(cookies[i] as varchar)); _val := cookies[i+1]; if (_val is not null) _val := trim (cast(_val as varchar)); cookie_str := sprintf ('Set-Cookie: %s=%s;%s path=/\r\n', _key,_val, expires_str); http_header (cookie_str); i := i + 2; } cookie_str := sprintf ('Set-Cookie: %s=%s;%s path=/\r\n', self.api_key,sig, expires_str); http_header (cookie_str); } self._user := _user; self.api_client:=udt_set(self.api_client,'session_key',session_key); return; } ; create method validate_fb_params() for DB.DBA.Facebook { self.fb_params := self.get_valid_fb_params(self._params, 48*3600, 'fb_sig'); if (self.fb_params is null) { self.fb_params := self.get_valid_fb_params(self._params, 48*3600, 'fb_sig'); } declare _cookies,_session any; _cookies := self.get_valid_fb_params(_get_cookie_vec(self._lines), null, self.api_key); if ((self.fb_params is null or length(self.fb_params)=0) and _cookies is not null) { self.fb_params := _cookies; } if (get_keyword ('auth_token', self._params,null) is not null) _session := self.do_get_session(get_keyword('auth_token',self._params)); --do_get_session sets self._user along the session else _session:=null; if (self.fb_params is not null) { -- If we got any fb_params passed in at all, then either: -- - they included an fb_user / fb_session_key, which we should assume to be correct -- - they didn't include an fb_user / fb_session_key, which means the user doesn't have a -- valid session and if we want to get one we'll need to use require_login(). (Calling -- set_user with null values for user/session_key will work properly.) -- Note that we should *not* use our cookies in this scenario, since they may be referring to -- the wrong user. declare session_key varchar; declare _user integer; declare expires datetime; -- dbg_obj_print('self.fb_params',self.fb_params); _user := coalesce( self._user,get_keyword('user',self.fb_params,null)); --if do_get_session have already succeeded to set _user no need to look for it in fb_params session_key := coalesce(_session,get_keyword('session_key',self.fb_params, '')); expires := get_keyword('expires',self.fb_params, now()); self.set_user(_user, session_key, expires); } else if (length(_cookies)>0) { -- use api_key . '_' as a prefix for the cookies in case there are -- multiple facebook clients on the same domain. self.set_user(get_keyword('user',_cookies ),get_keyword('session_key',_cookies ),now()); } else if (length(get_keyword('auth_token',self._params,'')) and _session is not null) { self.set_user(self._user,_session, now()); } if (self.fb_params is not null) return 1; else return 0; } ; create method get_valid_fb_params ( in params any, in timeout any := null, in namespace any := 'fb_sig' ) for DB.DBA.Facebook { declare prefix varchar; declare prefix_len integer; declare fb_params any; prefix := namespace || '_'; prefix_len := length(prefix); fb_params := vector(); declare i integer; for (i := 0; i < length (params); i := i + 2) { declare _key, _val varchar; if (isstring (params[i])) { _key := trim (cast(params[i] as varchar)); if (position( prefix,_key) = 1 and prefix_len < length(_key)) { _val := params[i+1]; if (_val is not null) _val := trim (cast(_val as varchar)); fb_params := vector_concat (fb_params, vector (subseq (_key, prefix_len), _val)); } } } -- if (timeout is not null and -- (get_keyword('time',fb_params) is null or now() - get_keyword('time',fb_params) > timeout) -- ) { -- return vector(); -- } if (get_keyword(namespace,params) is null OR self.verify_signature(fb_params, get_keyword(namespace,params))=0) { return vector(); } if(length(fb_params)=0) return null; else return fb_params; } ; create method verify_signature( in fb_params any, in expected_sig varchar ) for DB.DBA.Facebook { if (self.api_client.generate_sig(fb_params, self.secret) = expected_sig) return 1; else return 0; } ; create method in_fb_canvas() for DB.DBA.Facebook { if (get_keyword ('in_canvas',self.fb_params,'')<>'') return 1; else return 0; } ; create method do_get_session( in auth_token any ) for DB.DBA.Facebook { declare auth_res any; declare exit handler for sqlstate '*' { if(self.api_client.debug_mode=1) { dbg_obj_print('--REST CLIENT ERR--'); dbg_obj_print(__SQL_STATE); dbg_obj_print(__SQL_MESSAGE); dbg_obj_print('-------------------'); }; return null; }; auth_res := self.api_client.auth_getSession(auth_token); if(auth_res is not null) { -- if( auth_res[1] is not null and auth_res[0] is not null and locate(cast(auth_res[1] as varchar),cast(auth_res[0] as varchar))>0) if( auth_res[1] is not null and auth_res[0] is not null) { self._user := auth_res[1]; -- if(not locate(cast(auth_res[1] as varchar),cast(auth_res[0] as varchar))>0) -- { -- dbg_obj_print('2',self.api_client.auth_getSession(auth_token)); -- dbg_obj_print(auth_res[0]); -- dbg_obj_print(split_and_decode(auth_res[0],0,'\0\0-')[0]||'-'||cast(auth_res[1] as varchar)); -- return split_and_decode(auth_res[0],0,'\0\0-')[0]||'-'||cast(auth_res[1] as varchar); -- return split_and_decode(auth_res[0],0,'\0\0-')[0]||'-'||split_and_decode(auth_res[0],0,'\0\0-')[1]; -- } return auth_res[0]; } -- else self.redirect(self.get_login_url(self.current_url(), self.in_frame(),0)); --this action is due to facebook issue(facebook site generates invalid auth token in some cases) } return ''; } ; create method redirect( in url varchar ) for DB.DBA.Facebook { -- dbg_obj_print('redirect_url',url); if (self.in_fb_canvas()) { http (''); } else if (length(regexp_match('/^https?:\/\/([^\/]*\.)?facebook\.com(:\d+)?/i', url))>0) { -- make sure facebook.com url's load in the full frame so that we don't -- get a frame within a frame. http (''); } else { http_rewrite(); http_request_status('HTTP/1.1 302'); http_header (concat ('Location: ', url, '\r\n')); } return; } ; create method get_add_url( in _next varchar := null) for DB.DBA.Facebook { declare add_url varchar; add_url:=''; add_url:=get_facebook_url()||'/add.php?api_key='||self.api_key; if(_next is not null) add_url:=add_url||'&next=' || sprintf('%U',_next); return add_url; } ; create method get_login_url ( in _next varchar :=null, in canvas integer :=0, in skipcookie integer :=0 ) for DB.DBA.Facebook { declare login_url varchar; login_url:=get_facebook_url()||'/login.php?v=1.0&api_key=' || self.api_key ; if(_next is not null) login_url:=login_url||'&next=' || sprintf('%U',_next); if(canvas=1) login_url:=login_url||'&canvas'; if(skipcookie=1) login_url:=login_url||'&skipcookie'; return login_url; } ; create method require_login ( in relog integer :=0) for DB.DBA.Facebook { declare _user any; if (relog=1) { if (self._user > 0) { self._user:=0; self.api_client:=udt_set(self.api_client,'session_key',''); } self.redirect(self.get_login_url(self.current_url(), self.in_frame(),1)); } _user := self.get_loggedin_user(); if (_user is not null) return _user; self.redirect(self.get_login_url(self.current_url(), self.in_frame(),0)); return; } ; create method in_frame() for DB.DBA.Facebook { if (get_keyword('in_canvas',self.fb_params,null) is not null and get_keyword('in_iframe',self.fb_params,null) is not null) return 1; return 0; } ; create method get_loggedin_user() for DB.DBA.Facebook { return self._user; } ; create method current_url() for DB.DBA.Facebook { declare _sid,_realm,_http_query_str varchar; _sid := get_keyword('sid',self._params,null); _realm := get_keyword('realm',self._params,null); _http_query_str := get_keyword('_http_query_str',self._params,null); if(_http_query_str is not null and length(_http_query_str)>0) { -- return 'http://' || http_request_header(self._lines,'Host') || http_path()||'?'||_http_query_str; return '?'||_http_query_str; } else if(_sid is not null and length(_sid)>0) { -- return 'http://' || http_request_header(self._lines,'Host') || http_path()||'?sid='||_sid||'&realm='||coalesce(_realm,'wa'); return '?sid='||_sid||'&realm='||coalesce(_realm,'wa'); } -- return 'http://' || http_request_header(self._lines,'Host') || http_path(); return ''; } ; -- END Facebook type create procedure get_facebook_url(in subdomain varchar := 'www') { return 'http://' ||subdomain ||'.facebook.com'; } ; create procedure _get_cookie_vec (in lines any) { declare cookie_vec any; declare i,l int; declare cookie_str varchar; cookie_str := http_request_header (lines, 'Cookie'); if (not isstring (cookie_str)) return vector (); cookie_vec := split_and_decode (cookie_str, 0, '\0\0;='); i := 0; l := length (cookie_vec); while (i < l) { declare _key, _val varchar; _key := trim (cast(cookie_vec[i] as varchar)); _val := cookie_vec[i+1]; if (_val is not null) _val := trim (cast(_val as varchar)); aset (cookie_vec, i, _key); aset (cookie_vec, i + 1, _val); i := i + 2; } return cookie_vec; } ; create procedure _get_ods_fb_settings ( out fb_settings any, in fb_user_id integer := 2) { declare dba_options, fb_dba_options any; declare exit handler for sqlstate '*' {return 0;}; fb_settings := null; fb_dba_options := null; dba_options := (select US_KEY from WA_USER_SVC where US_U_ID = fb_user_id and US_SVC = 'FBKey'); if (length (dba_options) >0) { fb_dba_options := replace(dba_options,'\r\n','&'); fb_dba_options := replace(fb_dba_options,'\n','&'); fb_dba_options := split_and_decode(fb_dba_options); } if (fb_dba_options is not null and length(trim(get_keyword('key',fb_dba_options)))> 4 and length(trim(get_keyword('secret',fb_dba_options)))> 4) { fb_settings:=vector(trim(get_keyword('key',fb_dba_options)),trim(get_keyword('secret',fb_dba_options))); return 1; } return 0; } ; create procedure valid_abid_by_fbid ( in logged_odsuser_id integer, inout fbf_data any, in ab_domain_id integer, in validation_arr any :=null ) { declare valid_id_arr any; valid_id_arr:=null; declare exit handler for not found{valid_id_arr:=null;}; declare qry,state, msg, maxrows, metas, rset any; rset := null; maxrows := 0; state := '00000'; msg := ''; declare validate_by_fields any; if(validation_arr is null) validate_by_fields := coalesce ((select deserialize (LV_FIELDS) from LDAP..LDAP_VALIDATION where LV_USER_ID = logged_odsuser_id), vector()); else validate_by_fields:=validation_arr; declare full_name,first_name,last_name varchar; full_name := trim(xpath_eval('string(name)',fbf_data)); first_name := trim(xpath_eval('string(first_name)',fbf_data)); last_name := trim(xpath_eval('string(last_name)',fbf_data)); declare validation_sql varchar; declare k integer; validation_sql:=''; if (validate_by_fields is not null and length (validate_by_fields)) { for (k := 0; k < length (validate_by_fields); k := k + 2) { declare _key varchar; declare _val,_tmpval any; _key:=validate_by_fields[k]; _val:=validate_by_fields[k+1]; _tmpval:=''; if(_val is not null and (_val=1 or _val='1')) { if(_key='P_FULL_NAME' and length(full_name)>0 ) validation_sql:=validation_sql||sprintf(' AND P_FULL_NAME=''%s'' ',full_name); if(_key='P_FIRST_NAME' and length(first_name)>0 ) validation_sql:=validation_sql||sprintf(' AND P_FIRST_NAME=''%s'' ',first_name); if(_key='P_MIDDLE_NAME' and length(last_name)>0 ) validation_sql:=validation_sql||sprintf(' AND (P_LAST_NAME=''%s'' OR P_MIDDLE_NAME=''%s'') ',last_name,last_name); if(_key='P_LAST_NAME' and length(last_name)>0 ) validation_sql:=validation_sql||sprintf(' AND P_LAST_NAME=''%s'' ',last_name); _tmpval:=trim(xpath_eval('string(sex)',fbf_data)); if(_key='P_GENDER' and _tmpval<>'') validation_sql:=validation_sql||sprintf(' AND P_GENDER=''%s'' ',_tmpval); _tmpval:=trim(xpath_eval('string(hometown_location/city)',fbf_data)); if(_key='P_H_CITY' and _tmpval<>'') validation_sql:=validation_sql||sprintf(' AND P_H_CITY=''%s'' ',_tmpval); _tmpval:=trim(xpath_eval('string(hometown_location/state)',fbf_data)); if(_key='P_H_STATE' and _tmpval<>'') validation_sql:=validation_sql||sprintf(' AND P_H_STATE=''%s'' ',_tmpval); _tmpval:=trim(xpath_eval('string(hometown_location/country)',fbf_data)); if(_key='P_H_COUNTRY' and _tmpval<>'') validation_sql:=validation_sql||sprintf(' AND P_H_COUNTRY=''%s'' ',_tmpval); _tmpval:=trim(xpath_eval('string(hometown_location/zip)',fbf_data)); if(_key='P_H_CODE' and _tmpval<>'') validation_sql:=validation_sql||sprintf(' AND P_H_CODE=''%s'' ',_tmpval); _tmpval:=trim(xpath_eval('string(work_history/work_info[1]/location/city)',fbf_data)); if(_key='P_B_CITY' and _tmpval<>'') validation_sql:=validation_sql||sprintf(' AND P_B_CITY=''%s'' ',_tmpval); _tmpval:=trim(xpath_eval('string(work_history/work_info[1]/location/state)',fbf_data)); if(_key='P_B_STATE' and _tmpval<>'') validation_sql:=validation_sql||sprintf(' AND P_B_STATE=''%s'' ',_tmpval); _tmpval:=trim(xpath_eval('string(work_history/work_info[1]/location/country)',fbf_data)); if(_key='P_B_COUNTRY' and _tmpval<>'') validation_sql:=validation_sql||sprintf(' AND P_B_COUNTRY=''%s'' ',_tmpval); _tmpval:=trim(xpath_eval('string(work_history/work_info[1]/company_name)',fbf_data)); if(_key='P_B_ORGANIZATION' and _tmpval<>'') validation_sql:=validation_sql||sprintf(' AND P_B_ORGANIZATION=''%s'' ',_tmpval); _tmpval:=trim(xpath_eval('string(work_history/work_info[1]/position)',fbf_data)); if(_key='P_B_JOB' and _tmpval<>'') validation_sql:=validation_sql||sprintf(' AND P_B_JOB=''%s'' ',_tmpval); _tmpval:=cast(trim(xpath_eval('string(birthday)',fbf_data)) as varchar); if(_key='P_BIRTHDAY' and _tmpval<>'') { declare _date_str varchar; declare _arr any; _arr:=split_and_decode(_tmpval,0,'\0\0,'); if(_arr is not null and length(_arr)>0) { _arr[0]:=split_and_decode(_arr[0],0,'\0\0 '); if(length(_arr)=1) _date_str:=sprintf('stringdate(''1970-%d-%s'')',_get_monhtbyname(trim(_arr[0][0])),trim(_arr[0][1])); else _date_str:=sprintf('stringdate(''%s-%d-%s'')',trim(_arr[1]),_get_monhtbyname(trim(_arr[0][0])),trim(_arr[0][1])); if(_date_str is not null and length(_date_str)>0) validation_sql:=validation_sql||sprintf(' AND P_BIRTHDAY=%s ',_date_str); } } } } } if(validation_sql is null or validation_sql='') { qry:=sprintf('select P_ID from AB.WA.PERSONS '|| 'where P_DOMAIN_ID=%d '|| ' and ( (P_LAST_NAME=''%s'' and (P_MIDDLE_NAME=''%s'' or P_FIRST_NAME=''%s'')) '|| ' or (P_FULL_NAME=''%s'') '|| ' or (concat(trim(P_FIRST_NAME),'' '',trim(P_LAST_NAME))=''%s'') '|| ' or (concat(trim(P_MIDDLE_NAME),'' '',trim(P_LAST_NAME))=''%s'') )', ab_domain_id,last_name,first_name,first_name,full_name,full_name,full_name); }else { qry:=sprintf('select P_ID from AB.WA.PERSONS '|| 'where P_DOMAIN_ID=%d %s', ab_domain_id,validation_sql); } exec (qry, state, msg, vector(), maxrows, metas, rset); if (state = '00000' and length(rset)>0) { declare idx integer; for(idx:=0;idx0) { declare ff_ids varchar; ff_ids:=''; i:=0; while(i0) { i := 0; while (i < length(_res)) { declare full_name,first_name,last_name varchar; full_name := trim(xpath_eval('string(name)',_res[i])); first_name := trim(xpath_eval('string(first_name)',_res[i])); last_name := trim(xpath_eval('string(last_name)',_res[i])); if(ab_domain_id>0) { declare valid_abid_arr any; valid_abid_arr:=valid_abid_by_fbid(ods_uid,_res[i],ab_domain_id); declare _p_id integer; _p_id:=-1; if(valid_abid_arr is not null) _p_id:=valid_abid_arr[0]; if (_ischeck=1) { if(_p_id=-1) _res_stat[1]:=_res_stat[1]+1; else _res_stat[2]:=_res_stat[2]+1; goto _skip_parseandupdate; } declare _col, _val any; declare _tmpval varchar; _col :=vector(); _val :=vector(); _tmpval :=''; if(full_name<>'') { _col:=vector_concat(_col,vector('P_FULL_NAME')); _val:=vector_concat(_val,vector(full_name)); } if(first_name<>'') { _col:=vector_concat(_col,vector('P_FIRST_NAME')); _val:=vector_concat(_val,vector(first_name)); } if(last_name<>'') { _col:=vector_concat(_col,vector('P_LAST_NAME')); _val:=vector_concat(_val,vector(last_name)); } _tmpval:=trim(xpath_eval('string(sex)',_res[i])); if(_tmpval<>'') { _col:=vector_concat(_col,vector('P_GENDER')); _val:=vector_concat(_val,vector(_tmpval)); } _tmpval:=trim(xpath_eval('string(birthday)',_res[i])); if(_tmpval<>'') { _col:=vector_concat(_col,vector('P_BIRTHDAY')); declare _date date; declare _arr any; _arr:=split_and_decode(cast(_tmpval as varchar),0,'\0\0,'); if(_arr is not null and length(_arr)>0) _arr[0]:=split_and_decode(_arr[0],0,'\0\0 '); if(length(_arr)=1) _date:=stringdate('1970-'||cast(_get_monhtbyname(trim(_arr[0][0])) as varchar)||'-'||trim(_arr[0][1])); else _date:=stringdate(trim(_arr[1])||'-'||cast(_get_monhtbyname(trim(_arr[0][0])) as varchar)||'-'||trim(_arr[0][1])); _val:=vector_concat(_val,vector(_date)); } _tmpval:=trim(xpath_eval('string(hometown_location/city)',_res[i])); if(_tmpval<>'') { _col:=vector_concat(_col,vector('P_H_CITY')); _val:=vector_concat(_val,vector(_tmpval)); } _tmpval:=trim(xpath_eval('string(hometown_location/state)',_res[i])); if(_tmpval<>'') { _col:=vector_concat(_col,vector('P_H_STATE')); _val:=vector_concat(_val,vector(_tmpval)); } _tmpval:=trim(xpath_eval('string(hometown_location/country)',_res[i])); if(_tmpval<>'') { _col:=vector_concat(_col,vector('P_H_COUNTRY')); _val:=vector_concat(_val,vector(_tmpval)); } _tmpval:=trim(xpath_eval('string(hometown_location/zip)',_res[i])); if(_tmpval<>'') { _col:=vector_concat(_col,vector('P_H_CODE')); _val:=vector_concat(_val,vector(_tmpval)); } _tmpval:=trim(xpath_eval('string(work_history/work_info[1]/location/city)',_res[i])); if(_tmpval<>'') { _col:=vector_concat(_col,vector('P_B_CITY')); _val:=vector_concat(_val,vector(_tmpval)); } _tmpval:=trim(xpath_eval('string(work_history/work_info[1]/location/state)',_res[i])); if(_tmpval<>'') { _col:=vector_concat(_col,vector('P_B_STATE')); _val:=vector_concat(_val,vector(_tmpval)); } _tmpval:=trim(xpath_eval('string(work_history/work_info[1]/location/country)',_res[i])); if(_tmpval<>'') { _col:=vector_concat(_col,vector('P_B_COUNTRY')); _val:=vector_concat(_val,vector(_tmpval)); } _tmpval:=trim(xpath_eval('string(work_history/work_info[1]/company_name)',_res[i])); if(_tmpval<>'') { _col:=vector_concat(_col,vector('P_B_ORGANIZATION')); _val:=vector_concat(_val,vector(_tmpval)); } _tmpval:=trim(xpath_eval('string(work_history/work_info[1]/position)',_res[i])); if(_tmpval<>'') { _col:=vector_concat(_col,vector('P_B_JOB')); _val:=vector_concat(_val,vector(_tmpval)); } if(trim(coalesce(full_name,first_name||' '||last_name))<>'') { if(_p_id=-1) { declare _np_id integer; _np_id:=-1; _np_id:=AB.WA.contact_update2 (_p_id,ab_domain_id,'P_NAME',full_name); if(_np_id>-1) { AB.WA.contact_update3 (_np_id,ab_domain_id,_col,_val,''); _res_stat[1]:=_res_stat[1]+1; } } if(_p_id<>-1 and _update_odsab=1) { AB.WA.contact_update3 (_p_id,ab_domain_id,_col,_val,''); _res_stat[2]:=_res_stat[2]+1; } } } _skip_parseandupdate:; i := i + 1; } } } _res_stat[3]:=i; if(_res_stat[1]=0) _res_stat[0]:=1; return _res_stat; } ; create procedure _get_monhtbyname(in monthname varchar) { declare months_arr any; months_arr:=vector('January','February','March','April','May','June','July','August','September','October','November','December'); return position(monthname, months_arr); } ; create procedure get_syncdata_arr ( in fb_obj DB.DBA.Facebook, in ods_uid integer, in simple integer :=0 ) { declare _res_str varchar; _res_str:=string_output(); declare ab_domain_id integer; ab_domain_id:=0; if (ab_domain_id=0) { declare exit handler for not found {ab_domain_id:=0; goto _no_address_book;}; select top 1 B.WAI_ID into ab_domain_id from WA_MEMBER A, WA_INSTANCE B where A.WAM_MEMBER_TYPE = 1 and A.WAM_INST = B.WAI_NAME and A.WAM_APP_TYPE='AddressBook' and A.WAM_USER=ods_uid ; _no_address_book:; if(ab_domain_id=0) { return 'No addressbook instance'; } } ; declare _res any; _res:=fb_obj.api_client.friends_get(); declare i integer; if(isarray(_res) and length(_res)>0) { declare ff_ids varchar; ff_ids:=''; i:=0; while(i0) { i := 0; while (i < length(_res)) { declare uid,full_name,first_name,last_name varchar; uid := trim(xpath_eval('string(uid)',_res[i])); full_name := trim(xpath_eval('string(name)',_res[i])); first_name := trim(xpath_eval('string(first_name)',_res[i])); last_name := trim(xpath_eval('string(last_name)',_res[i])); if(ab_domain_id>0) { declare addressbook_cid_arr any; declare addressbook_cid_sqlstr varchar; addressbook_cid_sqlstr:=''; addressbook_cid_arr:=valid_abid_by_fbid(ods_uid,_res[i],ab_domain_id); -- dbg_obj_print(addressbook_cid_arr); if(addressbook_cid_arr is not null and length(addressbook_cid_arr)>0) { if(length(addressbook_cid_arr)=1) addressbook_cid_sqlstr:=sprintf(' = %d',addressbook_cid_arr[0]); else { declare m integer; declare _tmp_str varchar; _tmp_str:=''; for(m:=0; m0) { if(i>0) http ('\r\n,', _res_str); if(simple=1) http ('{fb_id:'||cast(uid as varchar)||',', _res_str); else http ('{_name:"'||full_name||'",fb_id:'||cast(uid as varchar)||',fb_href:"http://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id='||cast(uid as varchar)||'",odsab_instid:'||cast(ab_domain_id as varchar)||',ods_contacts:new Array(', _res_str); declare k integer; k:=0; if(simple) { http ('ods_cid:'||cast(rset[k][0] as varchar)||'}', _res_str); }else { while (k < length(rset)) { http ('{ods_cid:'||cast(rset[k][0] as varchar)||',ods_name:"'||cast(rset[k][1] as varchar)||'",ods_href:"'||sprintf('/dataspace/%U/addressbook/%U/%d',WA_APP_GET_OWNER(rset[k][2]),replace (AB.WA.domain_name (rset[k][2]), '+', '%2B'),rset[k][3])||'"}', _res_str); if(k < length(rset)-1) http (',', _res_str); k:=k+1; } http (')}', _res_str); } } } i := i + 1; } } http (')', _res_str); } return string_output_string(_res_str); } ; create procedure DB.DBA.fbf_rdf_load_fql ( in graph_iri varchar, in new_origin_uri varchar, in dest varchar, in fb_obj DB.DBA.Facebook, in fb_uid varchar, in isLogged integer) { declare ret, xt, xd any; declare url, q, own varchar; SPARQL CLEAR GRAPH ; own := fb_uid; q := sprintf ('SELECT uid, first_name, last_name, name, pic_small, pic_big, pic_square, pic, affiliations, profile_update_time, timezone, religion, birthday, sex, hometown_location, meeting_sex, meeting_for, relationship_status, significant_other_id, political, current_location, activities, interests, is_app_user, music, tv, movies, books, quotes, about_me, hs_info, education_history, work_history, notes_count, wall_count, status, has_added_app FROM user WHERE uid = %s', own); -- ret := DB.DBA.FQL_CALL (q, api_key, ses_id, secret); ret := fb_obj.api_client.fql_query(q); --dbg_printf ('%s', ret); -- xt := xtree_doc (ret); if(ret is not null) { xt := DB.DBA.RDF_MAPPER_XSLT (registry_get ('_rdf_mappers_path_') || 'xslt/fql2rdf.xsl', ret, vector ('baseUri', coalesce (dest, graph_iri))); xd := serialize_to_UTF8_xml (xt); -- dbg_printf ('%s', xd); DB.DBA.RDF_LOAD_RDFXML (xd, new_origin_uri, coalesce (dest, graph_iri)); } q := sprintf ('SELECT aid, cover_pid, owner, name, created, modified, description, location, size, link FROM album WHERE owner = %s', own); ret := fb_obj.api_client.fql_query(q); if(ret is not null) { xt := DB.DBA.RDF_MAPPER_XSLT (registry_get ('_rdf_mappers_path_') || 'xslt/fql2rdf.xsl', ret, vector ('baseUri', coalesce (dest, graph_iri))); xd := serialize_to_UTF8_xml (xt); -- dbg_printf ('%s', xd); DB.DBA.RDF_LOAD_RDFXML (xd, new_origin_uri, coalesce (dest, graph_iri)); } q := sprintf ('select eid, name, tagline, nid, pic_small, pic_big, pic, host, description, event_type, event_subtype, '|| ' start_time, end_time, creator, update_time, location, venue from event where eid in '|| '(SELECT eid FROM event_member where uid = %s)', own); ret := fb_obj.api_client.fql_query(q); if(ret is not null) { xt := DB.DBA.RDF_MAPPER_XSLT (registry_get ('_rdf_mappers_path_') || 'xslt/fql2rdf.xsl', ret, vector ('baseUri', coalesce (dest, graph_iri))); xd := serialize_to_UTF8_xml (xt); DB.DBA.RDF_LOAD_RDFXML (xd, new_origin_uri, coalesce (dest, graph_iri)); } if(isLogged) { q := sprintf ('select uid2 from friend where uid1 = %s', own); ret := fb_obj.api_client.fql_query(q); -- dbg_printf ('%s', ret); if(ret is not null) { xt := DB.DBA.RDF_MAPPER_XSLT (registry_get ('_rdf_mappers_path_') || 'xslt/fql2rdf.xsl', ret, vector ('baseUri', coalesce (dest, graph_iri))); xd := serialize_to_UTF8_xml (xt); -- dbg_printf ('%s', xd); DB.DBA.RDF_LOAD_RDFXML (xd, new_origin_uri, coalesce (dest, graph_iri)); }; q := sprintf ('SELECT uid, first_name, last_name, name, pic_small, pic_big, pic_square, pic, profile_update_time, timezone, religion, birthday, sex, current_location FROM user WHERE uid IN (select uid2 from friend where uid1 = %s)', own); ret := fb_obj.api_client.fql_query(q); -- dbg_printf ('%s', ret); if(ret is not null) { xt := DB.DBA.RDF_MAPPER_XSLT (registry_get ('_rdf_mappers_path_') || 'xslt/fql2rdf.xsl', ret, vector ('baseUri', coalesce (dest, graph_iri))); xd := serialize_to_UTF8_xml (xt); --dbg_printf ('%s', xd); DB.DBA.RDF_LOAD_RDFXML (xd, new_origin_uri, coalesce (dest, graph_iri)); }; } return 1; } ;