This is a diff between 1.1 and 1.2 revisions:

CategoryAddressBook CategoryODS CategoryVirtuosoMore services are described [[VirtuosoOdsControllersAddressbook][here]]. * pContentType - content type of the export - "vCard", "FOAF" or "CSV" * pInstance - instance name, Ex. "dav's <nowiki>AddressBook</nowiki>" * pPassword - user password, Ex. "dav" * pUser - user name, Ex. "dav"The input parameters for <nowiki>addressbook_export</nowiki> are:---++++ addressbook_export * pTags - "test" * pContentType - content type of the pSource - "'vCard" or "FOAF" * pSourceType - values are "string", "WebDAV", "URL" * pSource - string content, WebDAV path ("/DAV/home/dav/test.vcf" or URL ("") * pInstance - instance name, Ex. "dav's <nowiki>AddressBook</nowiki>" * pPassword - user password, Ex. "dav" * pUser - user name, Ex. "dav"The input parameters for <nowiki>addressbook_import</nowiki> are:---++++ addressbook_import---+++Serviceshttp://host:port/dataspace/services/addressbook/services.wsdl
ODS Addressbook Services wsdl endpoint:
ODS Addressbook Services UI endpoint:
--+++ODS Addressbook Services UI Endpoint---++<nowiki>AddressBook</nowiki> Programmers Guide Web Services%META:TOPICPARENT{name="VirtuosoAddressBook"}%