Creating WebID? User Group in ODS

Here is a sample scenario how to create WebID? Protocol User Group in ODS:

  1. Log in in http://cname:port/ods
  2. Go to Profile Edit -> ACL Groups

  3. Click "Add".

  4. Enter in the shown form group name and short description:

  5. Go to "WebIDs?" tab:

  6. Click the "Add" button
  7. Enter Existing Personal WebID?, for ex.

  8. In order to add new Personal WebID?, click again the "Add" button
  9. Enter another Personal WebID?, for ex.

  10. Click "Create"
  11. As result your WebID? group will be created with IRI: http:///dataspace/user-name/group/group-name ( so in our example it is: ) and shown in the list of current WebIDs? groups
