This is a diff between 1.1 and 1.2 revisions:

CategoryODS CategoryFeedManager CategoryOdsFeedManager CategoryWebSite * <img src="%ATTACHURLPATH%/fi8.png" style="wikiautogen"/> 1. You can view the subscriptions posts in the "Read" tab. * <img src="%ATTACHURLPATH%/fi7.png" style="wikiautogen"/> 1. When the imported finishes will be shown in the Feeds tab the list of imported subscriptions: 1. Click the "Stop" button which will terminate the import process. 1. Click the "Background" button which will cause the process to continue in background. 1. Here you can also: * <img src="%ATTACHURLPATH%/fi6.png" style="wikiautogen"/> 1. As result will be shown the import process with the progress bar of how many feeds were fetched: * <img src="%ATTACHURLPATH%/fi5.png" style="wikiautogen"/> 1. Click the "Subscribe" button. 1. Select the subscriptions you want to be imported. Also you can select all of them by checking the check-box in the Columns Titles row. * <img src="%ATTACHURLPATH%/fi4.png" style="wikiautogen"/> 1. As result will be shown form with row for every subscription and folder to which it to go after the import. You can select here the desired folders or leave the default offered ones. * <img src="%ATTACHURLPATH%/fi3.png" style="wikiautogen"/> * If you however click from this form the "Next" button, then will be offered a choice where the subscriptions should go. * Note that if you click the "Subscribe" button, automatically the subscription will started 1. Leave checked as default the "Retrieve items now" check-box and click the button "Next". 1. Click the "Browse" button and select for ex. an opml file from your local file system. * <img src="%ATTACHURLPATH%/fi2.png" style="wikiautogen"/> 1. Click the "Next" button. 1. Select for source "Upload (OPML, OCS)". 1. Click the "Subscribe" button. 1. Go to Administration * <img src="%ATTACHURLPATH%/fi1.png" style="wikiautogen"/> 1. Go to Feed Manager 1. Log in as user demo with password demo 1. Go to http:/ is sample scenario: * directory of known (popular) feeds * WebDAV (OPML, OCS) * file (OPML, OCS) * URL (RSS/Atom/OPML/OCS/SIOC ...) Subscriptions in ODS Feed Manager can be imported from Administration->Subscribe->Source from:---+++Importing subscriptions in ODS Feed Manager%VOSWARNING%