Using Virtuoso's WebID? Verify Proxy Service with an X.509 certificate WebID?: PHP Example

  function apiURL()
    $pageURL = $_SERVER['HTTPS'] == 'on' ? 'https://' : 'http://';
    return $pageURL . '/ods/webid_demo.php';

	$_webid = isset ($_REQUEST['webid']) ? $_REQUEST['webid'] : '';
	$_error = isset ($_REQUEST['error']) ? $_REQUEST['error'] : '';
	$_action = isset ($_REQUEST['go']) ? $_REQUEST['go'] : '';
  if (($_webid == '') && ($_error == ''))
    if ($_action <> '')
      if ($_SERVER['HTTPS'] <> 'on')
        $_error = 'No certificate';
        $_callback = apiURL();
        $_url = sprintf ('', urlencode($_callback));
        header (sprintf ('Location: %s', $_url));
    <title>WebID Verification Demo - PHP</title>
    <h1>WebID Verification Demo</h1>
      This will check your X.509 Certificate's WebID  watermark. <br/>Also note this service supports ldap, http, mailto, acct scheme based WebIDs.
      <form method="get">
        <input type="submit" name="go" value="Check"/>
      if (($_webid <> '') || ($_error <> ''))
      	The return values are:
            if ($_webid <> '')
  	      <li>WebID -  <?php print ($_webid); ?></li>
  	      <li>Timestamp in ISO 8601 format - <?php print ($_REQUEST['ts']); ?></li>
            if ($_error <> '')
  	      <li>Error - <?php print ($_error); ?></li>