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  • ODS.ODSWebIDIdPPHPModify(1.1) -- DAVWikiAdmin? , 2017-06-13 06:01:52 Edit WebDAV System Administrator 2017-06-13 06:01:52

    PHP pages modification notes

    The PHP pages can be tested/used only when they are located in OS file system.

    By default with the ODS Framework package installation is created virtual folder /ods/webid which is mapped to the created created by default OS file system type folder vsp\vad\vsp\wa\webid.

    Scenario 1

    In case you want to add your own PHP page, you need to add it to the existing OS file system type folder vsp\vad\vsp\wa\webid.
    1. Suppose your own PHP page is named mypage.php and is located in the OS folder vsp\vad\vsp\wa\webid
    2. Access the page from the following URL: http://host:port/ods/webid/mypage.php

    Scenario 2

    In case you want to use another path for accessing your php page, different from the default virtual folder /ods/webid, you need to create a new virtual folder which is mapped to the OS file system type folder vsp\vad\vsp\wa\webid.

    1. Suppose the PHP page webid_demo.php is located at your OS file system /vsp/vad/vsp/wa folder.
    2. To create a new virtual folder, for ex. fstest go to Conductor -> Web Application Server -> Virtual Domains & Directories and expand the UI for your lets say Default Web Site:

    3. Click "New Directory"

    4. Specify type: "File system":

    5. Click "Next"
    6. In the presented form specify:
      • Path: /fstest
      • Check-box "Physical path is a WebDAV? repository" should be un-hatched.
      • Physical path: /vad/vsp/wa/webid

    7. Click "Save Changes".
    8. Access the PHP page with the new created path: http://host:port/fstest/webid_demo.php
    9. After choosing a valid certificate, the PHP page should be presented:
