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  • ODS.ODSWikiVersions(1.1) -- DAVWikiAdmin? , 2017-06-13 06:01:35 Edit WebDAV System Administrator 2017-06-13 06:01:35

    Manage Wiki Articles Versions Control

    ODS Wiki supports articles versions control:

    • Below the body of each article are shown the versions with links so to be viewed.
    • Also differences between two versions can be checked by clicking the ">" link shown for ex. like this:

      1.2 > 1.3

    Sample Scenario

    The following steps present how to manage versions for a wiki article:

    1. Go to http://demo.openlinksw.com/ods
    2. Log in as user demo with password demo
    3. Go to Wiki
    4. Enter a wiki article name for ex. VirtuosoSponger and click enter.
    5. As result should be shown the wiki form for creating the WikiWord?
    6. Enter in the text area some text, for ex:

      The Virtuoso Sponger is a middleware component of Virtuoso.

    7. Click the "Save and release lock" button.
    8. As result the WikiWord? VirtuosoSponger will be created and will be shown version 1.1 at the bottom of the page:
    9. Now let's edit the text. Click the "Edit" link shown below the article body.
    10. Change the text by adding to it:

      that generates RDF Linked Data from a variety of data sources.

    11. So the text should be:

      The Virtuoso Sponger is a middleware component of Virtuoso that generates RDF Linked Data from a variety of data sources.

    12. Click the "Save and release lock" button.
    13. As result the changes will be saved and will be shown version 1.2 and 1.1 at the bottom of the page:
    14. To view the differences between the versions, click the ">" sign shown between them:
    15. The newer version is shown with green, the older is shown with red background of the text
    16. From this page you can go to the History page where you can manage the current versions of the article. Click the "Back to the history" button
    17. From the manage wiki versions page you can perform the following actions per version:
      1. Delete - deletes the version
      2. Undo - reverts the changes to previous state
      3. Rollback - performs rollback to the previous version and automatically creates a new version