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CategoryODS CategoryOpenSource CategoryAddressBook CategoryOdsAddressBook * <img src="%ATTACHURLPATH%/ab8.png" style="wikiautogen"/> 1. As result in the 2nd pane will be shown the shared contacts from user demo to the logged in user test1. In our example this is the contact for Kingsley Idehen. 1. Expand the "demo" user folder * <img src="%ATTACHURLPATH%/ab7.png" style="wikiautogen"/> 1. As result for every user that had shared to user test1 resources, will be shown separate folder labeled with the users name. 1. In the "Shared Contacts" list expand the "Shared Contacts By" node. * <img src="%ATTACHURLPATH%/ab6.png" style="wikiautogen"/> 1. Click the "Shared Contacts" icon from the Main Addressbook Horizontal navigation bar. * <img src="%ATTACHURLPATH%/ab5.png" style="wikiautogen"/> 1. As result will be opened the test1's Addressbook instance. 1. Go to Addressbook 1. Now let's check for user test1 what does it have in its Addressbook instance. Log in as user test1 1. Click the "Share" button. * <img src="%ATTACHURLPATH%/ab4.png" style="wikiautogen"/> 1. You can leave the check-box "Override current sharings" checked: 1. For ex. if you click the "Select" button, will be opened new window with the list of the ODS registered users. Select directly user(s) or make filter. In our example we will select the test1 user. * <img src="%ATTACHURLPATH%/sb5.png" style="wikiautogen"/> 1. Click the "Select" button to choose ODS user(s) or enter then directly in the "User(s)" field. * <img src="%ATTACHURLPATH%/ab3.png" style="wikiautogen"/> 1. As result will be opened the the Sharing to user(s) form. 1. Click the "Sharing" icon from the Main Addressbook Horizontal navigation bar. * <img src="%ATTACHURLPATH%/ab2.png" style="wikiautogen"/> 1. From the 2nd pane, under My contact, select the desired contact(s) to be shared to. * <img src="%ATTACHURLPATH%/ab1.png" style="wikiautogen"/> 1. Go to your Addressbook instance ODS Addressbook offers the feature for sharing contact(s) to other user in the relevant ODS dataspace. Here is a sample scenario:---++Sharing in ODS Addressbook%VOSWARNING%