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CategoryOdsBookmark CategoryBookmark CategoryODS * <img src="%ATTACHURLPATH%/bsub3.png" style="wikiautogen"/> 1 As result will be shown the retrieved from the subscription above bookmarks. 1 Expand the Bookmarks tree 1 Now click the "Back" button. 1 As result, in the "Status" column will be shown the result of the synchronization. 1 You can click the "Sync" button in order to force synchronization. * <img src="%ATTACHURLPATH%/bsub2.png" style="wikiautogen"/> 1 As result the subscription will be created. * <img src="%ATTACHURLPATH%/bsub1.png" style="wikiautogen"/> 1 Click the button "Create". 5. Username and password: demo 4. WebDAV path/URL: 3. Source type: URL 2. Refresh type: every 1 hour 1. Name: MyDemo Bookmark 1 In the shown form enter: 1 Go to Preferences -> Subscriptions -> New Subscription 1 Go to its Bookmark Manager 1 Login at as user demoHere is sample scenario how to set subscriptions in Bookmark Manager: 2. Tags 1. Folder 6. Options (Filter - What entries to be accepted?) 5. Username and password if needed. 4. WebDAV Path / URL value. 2. URL (external WebDAV or other source) 1. WebDAV path (local) 3. Source type of the subscription source path: 2. On scheduled interval: every [n] hours/days. 1. Manually; 2. Refresh type 1. Name of the subscription; 4. In the shown form set the parameters as follows: 3. Click the "New Subscription" button. 2. Go to Subscriptions. 1. The subscriptions are defined in the Preferences page.---++How to subscribe to URL accessible Bookmark files?%VOSWARNING%