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  • ODS.OdsBriefcaseSkyDriveWebIDACL(1.1) -- DAVWikiAdmin? , 2017-06-13 06:07:02 Edit WebDAV System Administrator 2017-06-13 06:07:02

    WebID? ACL protect a mounted SkyDrive? remote collection of resources

    The following guide presents simple scenario how to WebID? ACL protect a remote mounted SkyDrive? resources collection:

    1. Generate an X.509 WebID Certificate, for ex. for this WebID?:


    2. On a remote Virtuoso Briefcase instance Mediate access to data stored on SkyDrive. For ex. in folder named "MySkyDrive?":

    3. Click "Edit":

    4. Go to "Sharing":

    5. Set WebID? ACL by adding the WebID? from above:


    6. Export the generated certificate (if using Firefox for ex.) for ex. in file with name demo.p12
    7. Go to your local ODS Data Space instance at http://host:port/ods

    8. Click Sign In and enter your user's credentials:

    9. Go to Edit Profile -> Security -> Generate & Private Key:

    10. Import the private key from the generated from above certificate, for ex. under name: "MyKey?":

    11. Go to Briefcase:

    12. Click "Create new folder":

    13. In the presented form:
      • Specify name, for ex: "RemoteSkyDrive?"
      • Specify type "WebDAV?":

    14. Go to the "WebDAV?" tab:

    15. In the presented form enter respectively:
      • Set "Activity manager (on/off)" to on;
      • For "WebDAV? path" enter the WebDAV? path to the mounted from above remote collection https://host:port/DAV/home/user-name/folder-name/ ;
      • Set "Authentication type" to "WebID?";
      • Set in "User's Key" the imported private key "MyKey?" from above;
      • Set "Graph name" or leave the default suggested value;
      • Set "Sponger" to on and specify which Extractor and Meta Cartridges to be included when sponging:

    16. Click "Create".
    17. The WebDAV? folder should be created:

    18. Click the link name of the freshly created "RemoteSkyDrive?" folder. 1 Should be presented the content of the remote mounted SkyDrive? collection:
