This is a diff between 1.1 and 1.2 revisions:

CategoryODS CategoryCalendar CategoryOdsCalendar....
DESCRIPTION:fixed thSUMMARY:repair MIS order dataLAST-MODIFIED:20080630T183700ZCREATED:20080630T151931ZDTSTAMP:20080930T144705ZURL: +00:00TZOFFSETTO:+0000BEGIN:STANDARDTZID:GMT+0000BEGIN:VTIMEZONEVERSION:2.0BEGIN:VCALENDAR 9. The content of the created file should resemble:
8. The Status should now be shown as <b>OK</b>, with the date of execution. 7. You can click the <b>Sync</b> button to force synchronization. %BR%%BR%<img src="%ATTACHURLPATH%/pub2.png" style="wikiautogen"/>%BR%%BR% 6. The publication will be created. 5. Click <b>Create</b>.%BR%%BR%<img src="%ATTACHURLPATH%/pub1.png" style="wikiautogen"/>%BR%%BR% * Enter for username and password: <b>demo</b>. * Note that if the file does not exist, it will be created (if you have the right credentials).
* For <b>WebDAV Path / URL</b>, enter:
* For <b>Destination Type</b>, choose <b>URL</b> * Leave <b>Refresh Type</b> as default. * <b>Name:</b> MyPublication 4. In the form, enter: 3. Go to <b>Import/Export</b> -> <b>Manage Publications</b> -> <b>New Publication</b> 2. Go to its <b>Calendar</b> 1. Login at <code>[[][]]</code> as user <b>demo</b>Here is sample scenario how to publish Calendar items: 5. Select <b>Options</b> for Tasks and ToDos. 4. Enter username and password if needed. * URL * WebDAV path 3. Select <b>Destination Type</b>: * every [n] hours /days * after any entry is changed * manually 2. Select <b>Refresh type</b>: 1. <b>Name:</b> the name of the publication 4. In the form, enter the parameters as follows: 3. Click <b>New Publication</b>. 2. Go to <b>Manage Publications</b>. 1. Go to <b>Import/Export</b> menu from the left vertical navigation.ODS iCalendar offers the feature to publish calendar items to iCalendar format for exchange with 3rd party iCalendar compliant applications:---+ How to publish Calendar items to iCalendar format?%VOSWARNING%