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  • ODS.OdsFeedManagerFAQ(1.1) -- DAVWikiAdmin? , 2017-06-13 06:07:29 Edit WebDAV System Administrator 2017-06-13 06:07:29

    ODS Feed Manager FAQ

    What is ODS Feed Manager?

    ODS Feed Manager is an integrated web-based application that allows you to store, organize, read, and share content including blogs, news and other information sources.

    What are Feeds?

    A feed is an xml-based document that contains content, summary information or blog posts with a links to the source. On-line newspapers, magazines, blogs and other web sites produce channels or "feeds" as another information source. Feed manager makes it easy to organize all your feeds so you can quickly read new articles and your favorite blogs.

    How do I add feeds to Feed Manager?

    There are several of ways to add feeds to Feed Manager. You can add feeds from any URL that provides feeds in the supported feed formats (RSS?, Atom?, OPML?, OCS?...), import from local file system or WebDAV? file system (OPML, OCS) or select from directory of known (popular) feeds.

    How do I delete (unsubscribe from) feeds?

    You can delete feeds by selecting the Manage tab, putting a checkmark next to each feed you wish to delete and then select the delete button at the bottom.

    Can I import my subscriptions from another newsreader?

    Yes. You can import feeds from an OPML? or OCS? file. If your current aggregator or newsreader is able to export to OPML or OCS, you can export all of your subscriptions to a file, and import that file into Feed Manager. More information and sample scenario you can find here.

    Can I export my subscriptions from Feed Manager?

    Yes. You can export your subscriptions from Feed Manager. Go to the Manage tab, select the feeds you want to export then click on the Export button and pick from one of the export format OCS, OPML or FOAF.

    How frequently will Feed Manager update?

    You can set Feed Manager to automatically update all of you feeds. This can be scheduled via Feed Settings.

    How do I view feeds by topic/category/tag?

    Feed Manager has a 3-pane view interface so you can easily scroll through a folder tree or view feeds in a tag cloud. You can also filter feeds based on date, flag, and author, read or unread as well as limit the feeds shown.

    What is tag?

    A Tag is a keyword used to organize or categorize your feeds for quick searches. Feed manager has an optional display, which will show all your tags as Tag Cloud, which will display your tags in different size fonts base on usage.

    What is a Feed Manager Bookmarklet?

    The Feed Manager Bookmarklet is a small program that allows the Feed Manager application to be controlled through a URL shortcut within a bookmark or bookmark toolbar in Internet Explorer, Mozilla, Firefox, or other web browsers.

    Where are my Feeds Stored?

    All Feeds are stored in ODS Briefcase.

    How do I search for Feeds?

    You can search for a feeds by navigating the folder tree and expanding the folders and scan for feeds or by performing a basic keyword search at the top of the page. Additionally Feed Manager offers an advanced search that allows you to search by tag or expression and then filter by date, read or flagged feeds.

    What Feed Formats are supported?

    Feed manager allows users to subscribe to feeds in various formats including an RDF, RSS, or Atom format.

    Can I get feeds from my favorite Blogs?

    Yes, you can subscribe to any blog or website by subscribing to the URL of that blog. As with all feeds, you can store it under a names folder for quick access and sorting.

    Can I email or blog stories or news using Feed manager?

    Yes, when viewing stories you can click the "Email This" which will bring up a pop-up browser to send email. The "Blog This" link will post a blog entry to the weblog of your choice, which can be setup through the Weblogs tab under Manage.

    Can I Export My Subscriptions?

    Yes. ODS Feed Manager offers export feature within the ODS registered users. For more information and sample scenario see here.

    What Feed Manager Ubiquity Commands are supported?

    A full list and examples of Feed Manager ubiquity commands you can find here.

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