This is a diff between 1.1 and 1.2 revisions:

CategoryODS CategoryOpenSource CategoryWebSite * [[VirtuosoOdsControllers][Manipulating data via REST using authentication based on OAuth, sessions, or password hash]] * [[VirtuosoAppODSUsers][ODS REST based Controller Interfaces]] * [[VirtuosoOdsControllers][ODS REST Controllers Programmers Guide]] * [[ODSProgrammersGuide][ODS Programmers' Guide]]---++Related http://host:port/ods_services/services.wsdl
ODS Wiki Services wsdl Endpoint:
ODS Wiki Services UI endpoint:
---+++ODS Data Spaces Framework API Services UI EndpointIt is supposed to use shttp when using the SOAP procedure for creating user authenticated by admin account. Access to procedures granted to GDATA_ODS SOAP user using [/ods_services] web services endpoint . | |result is 1 if successful, otherwise varchar - ERROR MESSAGE || | |in _auth_passwd varchar :=''|password for authorized administrator;| | |in _auth_username varchar :='',|authentication of administrator of the domain is required in order to authorize account delete | | |in _delDAV integer := 1,| optional delete of user owned DAV content | | |in _username varchar,| username to be deleted | | <nowiki> ODS_DELETE_USER </nowiki> | Delete user true authenticated SOAP call || | |result is INTEGER (instance id)if successful, otherwise varchar - ERROR MESSAGE || | |in inst_descr varchar := null|description for the instance | | |in pub int := 1,|refers to Visible to public property | | |in model int := 0,|refers to Membership model(Open,Closed,Invitation only,Approval based)| | |in owner varchar,|username of the owner of the instance | | |in inst_name varchar,|desired name for the instance | | |in app_type varchar,|VALID WA_TYPE of application to create | | <nowiki> ODS_CREATE_NEW_APP_INST </nowiki> | creates instance of determined type for given user || | |RESULT is INTEGER (created user id) if successful, otherwise varchar - ERROR MESSAGE;|| | | | | | |in _show_activity integer:=0|optional value to determine if new user is shown on activity dashboard on ODS home page;| | |in _is_searchable integer:=0|optional value to determine if new user data is searchable;| | |in _creator_passwd varchar :=''|password for authorized administrator;| | |in _creator_username varchar :='',|if registration for domain is prohibited authentication of administrator of the domain is required in order to authorize account create | | |in _host varchar := '', |desired domain for which user will be created, if not supplied URIQA default host will be taken| | |in _email varchar,|email address for user | | |in _passwd varchar,|password for created user | | |in _username varchar,|login for user to create | | <nowiki>ODS_CREATE_USER</nowiki> | Automatic creation of new user without going trough web registration procedure.||---+++API - Getting Started---++<nowiki>ODS Data Spaces Framework API</nowiki>%TOC%