This is a diff between 1.1 and 1.2 revisions:

%ODSCOPY%CategoryOpenSource CategoryODS CategoryGallery CategoryOdsGallery CategoryWebSite * [[][PHPBB SIOC Reference]] * [[][MedaWiki SIOC Reference]] * [[][WordPress SIOC Reference]] * [[][Query Virtuoso Documentation using SPARQL]] * [[][Query Virtuoso Tutorials using SPARQL]] * [[][Northwind SPARQL Reference]] * [[VOSODSSparqlSamples][ODS SPARQL Samples]] * [[ODSAnnoteaRef][Query ODS Data Spaces using SPARQL and Annotea Ontology]] * [[ODSFOAFRef][Query ODS Data Spaces using SPARQL and FOAF Ontology]] * [[ODSSKOSRef][Query ODS Data Spaces using SPARQL and SKOS Ontology]] * [[ODSAtomOWLRef][Query ODS Data Spaces using SPARQL and Atom OWL Ontology]] * [[ODSSIOCRef][ODS SIOC reference]]---+++See also * [[VirtuosoOdsUbiquityTutorialsGalleryOAuthD][Gallery OAuth Authentication Tutorial]] * [[VirtuosoOdsUbiquityTutorialsAlbumGallery][Gallery Ubiquity Tutorial]]---+++Gallery Tutorials * [[OdsGalleryGettingStarted][Getting Started with Gallery]]---+++Quick Start Guides * [[OdsGalleryFAQ][Gallery FAQ]]---+++FAQs * [[ODSFOAFRefExampleGallery][Use SPARQL to Query My Gallery using the FOAF Ontology]] * [[ODSSKOSRefExampleGallery][Use SPARQL to Query My Gallery using the SKOS Ontology]] * [[ODSAtomOWLRefExampleGallery][Use SPARQL to Query My Gallery using the Atom Ontology]] * [[SIOCRefGallery][Use SPARQL to Query My Gallery using the SIOC Ontology]] * [[VirtuosoOdsUbiquityGallery][Use the Gallery Ubiquity Commands?]] * [[ODSGalleryProgrammersGuideWebServices][Use SOAP and WSDL Services?]] ---+++How Do I ...? * [[ODSGalleryProgrammersGuideWebServices][Services]]---+++Web Services * Album Viewing - you image collections can be public, private, or simply available to select access control lists. ---+++Security * Add Albums to organize your photos - you can organize collections of images into albums (e.g., typical family photo albums). * Have your friends subscribe to your Gallery - enables image gallery syndication using formats such as Atom, RSS 2.0, RDF, XBEL or mRSS. * Email Photos - supports email attachments by Reference since you can send Image URIs instead of actually attaching physical file. * Viewers Commenting - includes in-built commenting functionality that transparently integrates with Virtuoso's NNTP Server (ODS-Discussion module). * Image Metadata Exposure - all Image Metadata is automatically extracted at upload time, this includes the entire collection of EXIF properties from Digital Camera photos. * Multiple Upload Sources - you can upload images from your local Filesystem of the ODS Briefcase (WebDAV). * Multiple Upload Options - you can upload single photo or multiple photos via your browser. * Multiple Browsing & Interaction modes - Slideshows and Thumbnail view of images. ---+++Presentation & Content---+++Feature HighlightsODS-Gallery is a platform for managing and managing Images such that includes: Photos, Diagrams, Clippings and other image based content.---+ODS Gallery%ODSNAV%%META:TOPICPARENT{name="Ods"}%%VOSWARNING%