%VOSWARNING% ---++phpBB3 Administration 1. Go to http://cname:port/phpBB3 1. Login as dba * 1. Click the link "Administration Control Panel" * 1. Login again dba again. 1. As result will be opened the Administration Control Panel UI. * 1. Click the "Manage forums" link from the left vertical navigation. 1. Click the "Create new forum" button. * 1. In the shown forum enter: 1. Forum name, for ex. phpBB3 Hosted inside Virtuoso 1. Description, for ex: All about phpBB, Virtuoso PHP Hosting, and Less LAMP!! 1. Enter and confirm Forum password 1. Click the "Submit" button at the bottom of the form. * 1 As result will be shown confirmation message and will be redirected to "Forums permissions" form page. * 1. From the "Add groups" area select all the groups and click the "Add permissions" button. * 1. In the shown form select for: 1 Administrators Role: Full Access 1 Global moderators Role: Standard Access + Polls 1 Guests Role: Limited Access + Polls 1 Registered Users: Standard Access + Polls * 1. Click the button "Apply all permissions". 1. Click the "Board Index" link from top-right. 1. As result will be shown the new created forum. * 1. Click on the forum name-link "phpBB3 Hosted inside Virtuoso" 1. As result will be shown form to enter a password in order to view or post in the forum. * 1. Click the "New topic" button. 1. In the shown form enter: 1. for Subject: My First Post 1. For body: Wow! * 1. Click the "Submit" button. 1. As result will be shown the new post: * Now let's see the inserted RDF data with the [[http://demo.openlinksw.com/ode/][OpenLink Data Explorer]]. You need to install the [[http://download.openlinksw.com/packages/5.0/virtuoso/oat_dav.vad][OAT package]] in order to refer locally to the browser in the steps below: 1. Access the url: http://cname:port/phpBB3/user/dba (as we have created forum, post topic logged in as dba in the steps above). 1. As result will be redirected to the url: http://cname:port/rdfbrowser/index.html?uri=http%3A//cname:port/phpBB3/user/dba#this 1. Note the 12 triples found in our sample example. * 1. Click on "dba" entity for "User". * 1. Click on "2" entity for "creator_of". * 1. Click on the "My_First_Post" entity. 1. As result as entities will be shown the subject, body, etc of the post we have created from above. * ---++References * [[OdsIntegrationphpBB][Virtuoso phpBB3 integration]] CategorySPARQL CategorySIOC CategoryODS CategoryWebSite