This is a diff between 1.1 and 1.2 revisions:

CategoryVirtuoso CategoryDocumentation CategorySecurity CategoryConductor * [[][WebID Protocol Certificate Generation page]] * [[][Test WebID Protocol Certificate page]] * [[][WebID Protocol Specification]] * [[ODSBriefcaseWebIDShareFile][ODS Briefcase WebID Protocol Share File Guide]] * [[ODSWebIDIdpProxy][Using Virtuoso's WebID Identity Provider (IdP) Proxy Service with an X.509 certificate]] * [[ODSWebIDIdP][Using Virtuoso's WebID Verification Proxy Service with a WebID-bearing X.509 certificate]] * [[ODSGenerateWebIDX509CertBrsKeystore][Generate an X.509 Certificate (with a WebID watermark) to be managed by a browser-based keystore]] * [[ODSGenerateWebIDX509CertOSKeystore][Generate an X.509 Certificate (with a WebID watermark) to be managed by host operating system keystore]] * [[ODSGenerateX509Certificate][Generate an X.509 Certificate hosted WebID Guide]] * [[VirtPubSubHubACL][Setting Up PubSubHub to use WebID Protocol or IP based control lists]] * [[VirtFeedPubSubHub][Feed subscription via PubSubHub protocol Example ]] * [[VirtPubSubHub][PubSubHubBub Demo Client Example]] * [[VirtODSPubSubHub][Setting up PubSubHub in ODS]] * [[][Configure Virtuoso instance as an X.509 Certificate Authority and HTTPS listener]] * [[ODSSetupSSL][Configure Virtuoso+ODS instance as an X.509 Certificate Authority and HTTPS listener]] * [[ODSPkiSetup][Guide for Set up a X.509 certificate issuer and HTTPS listener and generate ODS user certificates.]] * [[ODSAddressBookWebIDACLPublic][Public Specific ACL for anyone with a WebID]] * [[ODSAddressBookWebIDACLGroup][Group Entity Specific ACL]] * [[ODSAddressBookWebIDACLPerson][Person Entity Specific ACL]] * [[ODSAddressBookWebIDACL][ODS Addressbook WebID based ACL Guide]] * [[ODSBookmarksWebIDACLPublic][Public Specific ACL for anyone with a WebID]] * [[ODSBookmarksWebIDACLGroup][Group Entity Specific ACL]] * [[ODSBookmarksWebIDACLPerson][Person Entity Specific ACL]] * [[ODSBookmarksWebIDACL][ODS Bookmark Manager WebID based ACL Guide]] * [[ODSCalendarWebIDACLPublic][Public Specific ACL for anyone with a WebID]] * [[ODSCalendarWebIDACLGroup][Group Entity Specific ACL]] * [[ODSCalendarWebIDACLPerson][Person Entity Specific ACL]] * [[ODSCalendarWebIDACL][ODS Calendar WebID based ACL Guide]] * [[ODSFeedManagerWebIDACLPublic][Public Specific ACL for anyone with a WebID]] * [[ODSFeedManagerWebIDACLGroup][Group Entity Specific ACL]] * [[ODSFeedManagerWebIDACLPerson][Person Entity Specific ACL]] * [[ODSFeedManagerWebIDACL][ODS Feed Manager WebID based ACL Guide]] * [[ODSBriefcaseWebIDPublic][Public WebID based ACL Guide]] * [[ODSBriefcaseWebIDGroup][Group Entity WebID based ACL Guide]] * [[ODSBriefcaseWebIDPerson][Person Entity WebID based ACL Guide]] * [[ODSBriefcaseWebID][ODS Briefcase WebID based ACL Guide]] * Manage ODS Datadspaces Objects WebID Access Control Lists (ACLs): * [[VirtODSSecurityWebID][WebID Protocol Support in OpenLink Data Spaces]]. * [[][Manage a SPARQL-WebID based Endpoint]] * [[][Virtuoso Authentication Server UI]] * [[OdsSPARQLAuth][SPARUL over SPARQL using the http://cname:port/sparql-auth endpoint]] * [[][Securing SPARQL endpoints]] * [[][SPARQL OAuth Tutorial]] * [[][WebID Protocol & SPARQL Endpoint ACLs Tutorial]] * [[][SPARQL Endpoint DET Configuration Guide]] * [[][Virtuoso Tips and Tricks Collection]] * [[][SPARQL]] * [[][Managing a SPARQL Web Service Endpoint]] * [[][Service Endpoint Security]] * [[][SPARQL Service Endpoint]] * [[][Virtuoso documentation]] * [[][SPARQL Endpoint Protection Methods Collection]] * [[][Safeguarding your Virtuoso-hosted SPARQL Endpoint]]---+++RelatedYou can use a Key from a global signing authority or produce a self-signed key. Find [[ODSPkiSetup][more details and information]] how to generate the key.---+++How If there is a service that requires a different key, the Conductor can be used to import another certificate for the relevant user. 1. As a result, the ODS user certificates can be authenticated against the site certificate.%BR%%BR%<img src="%ATTACHURLPATH%/c1.png" style="wikiautogen"/>%BR%%BR% 1. The site certificate is imported with name <b>id_rsa</b> for user <code>dba</code> using the Conductor. 1. The site certificate is used to generate certificates for ODS users. 1. A signing authority (e.g., RSA Labs) generates a site certificate.For ODS, the dba user must import a certificate with primary key and with name <b><code>id_rsa</code></b>. The process takes the following steps: The dba user (typically) or other users may need CA keys to execute different services.---+++WhyThe Virtuoso Conductor allows easy import of user-level CA (Certificate Authority) Keys through <b>System Admin</b> -> <b>User Accounts</b> -> <b>Edit</b>. ---+++What---+++CA Keys Import using Conductor