Example Usage of ODS Briefcase Controller for Get Instance Options Details

Note: The Consumer key for a given ODS Briefcase instance can be obtained following these steps.

  1. At http://demo.openlinksw.com/ods/oauth_test.vsp enter:
    1. Server: http://demo.openlinksw.com/ods/api/
    2. Consumer Key: f3da6bd04ad341f9d79fddc7ea224f50576e74a2
    3. API method: briefcase.options.get
    4. API parameters: inst_id=6
    5. Query options: Generate URI and Submit
    6. Log in when prompted as user demo and authorize
  2. As result the Response Body should be:

    <settings> <chars>60</chars> <rows>5</rows> <tbLabels>1</tbLabels> <hiddens>.</hiddens> <atomVersion>1.0</atomVersion> </settings>