%META:TOPICPARENT{name="OdsMail"}% ---+ODS WebMail Guide for Mail Templates %TOC% ---++What? The ability to create and use mail templates in ODS-Mail. ---++Why? Templates for repeated events and tasks can be created and then used. ---++How? An additional page is added for managing templates - 'Preferences' / 'Templates'.

The implemented actions are: * Create* The templates can be created as regular mail messages but must contain placeholders. When the template is ready a 'Save' action is used for save.

* Edit - Similar as 'Create' action. * Mail Merge - use this action to merge selected template with data source. See [[OdsMailMerge][ODS Mail Merge]]. * Delete - check first the unneeded templates and then a 'Delete' action is used. ---++Related * [[OdsMail][ODS-Mail]]