---+ Executing SPARQL Update queries through an OAuth-protected Virtuoso SPARQL endpoint
Virtuoso reserves the path /sparql-auth/ (e.g., http://<cname>:<port>/sparql-auth
) for provision of SPARQL services with user authentication. This endpoint
allows specific SQL accounts to perform SPARQL Update (formerly SPARUL) queries over the SPARQL protocol.
must be granted to an (ODS) user to perform operations on physical triples and
for the user to login via SQL data connections (ODBC, JDBC, OLE DB, ADO.NET, etc.). The necessary steps are as follow --
1. Go to http://<cname>:<port>/conductor
where <cname>:<port>
are replaced by your local server values.
1. Log in as the dba
1. Go to *System Admin* -> *User Accounts* -> *Users*
1. Click *Edit* for the user needing SPARQL_UPDATE
, e.g., demo
1. In the form that returns:
1 Set *User type* to *SQL/ODBC and WebDAV*
1. From the list of available Account Roles, select SPARQL_UPDATE role and click the >> button, to add it to the list on the right.
1. Click *Save*.
Note: If there is a table used in a RDF view, and SPARQL_SELECT
which inherits SPARQL_SELECT
) is not granted on this table, then an unqualified SPARQL SELECT
(i.e., without FROM
clause, implying FROM
all graphs) will return an access violation error as the user
account has no permissions to read it. In other words, an account must have SPARQL_SELECT
privileges on all tables
included in any RDF view in order to select on all graphs.
* [[http://virtuoso.openlinksw.com/dataspace/dav/wiki/Main/VirtSPARQLEndpointProtection][Safeguarding your Virtuoso-hosted SPARQL Endpoint]]
* [[http://virtuoso.openlinksw.com/dataspace/dav/wiki/Main/VirtTipsAndTricksGuideSPARQLEndpointProtection][SPARQL Endpoint Protection Methods Collection]]
* [[http://docs.openlinksw.com/virtuoso/][Virtuoso documentation]]
* [[http://docs.openlinksw.com/virtuoso/rdfsparql.html#rdfsupportedprotocolendpoint][SPARQL Service Endpoint]]
* [[http://docs.openlinksw.com/virtuoso/rdfsparql.html#rdfsupportedprotocolendpointuri][Service Endpoint Security]]
* [[http://docs.openlinksw.com/virtuoso/rdfsparql.html#sparqwebservicetbl][Managing a SPARQL Web Service Endpoint]]
* [[http://docs.openlinksw.com/virtuoso/rdfsparql.html][SPARQL]]
* [[http://virtuoso.openlinksw.com/dataspace/dav/wiki/Main/VirtTipsAndTricksGuide][Virtuoso Tips and Tricks Collection]]
* [[http://virtuoso.openlinksw.com/dataspace/dav/wiki/Main/VirtSPARQLDET][SPARQL Endpoint DET Configuration Guide]]
* [[http://virtuoso.openlinksw.com/dataspace/dav/wiki/Main/VirtSPARQLSecurityWebID][WebID Protocol & SPARQL Endpoint ACLs Tutorial]]
* [[http://virtuoso.openlinksw.com/dataspace/dav/wiki/Main/VirtOAuthSPARQL][SPARQL OAuth Tutorial]]
* [[http://virtuoso.openlinksw.com/dataspace/dav/wiki/Main/VirtTipsAndTricksGuideSPARQLEndpoints][Securing SPARQL endpoints]]
* [[http://virtuoso.openlinksw.com/dataspace/dav/wiki/Main/VirtAuthServerUI][Virtuoso Authentication Server UI]]
* [[http://virtuoso.openlinksw.com/dataspace/dav/wiki/Main/VirtSPARQLSSL][Manage a SPARQL-WebID based Endpoint]]
* [[VirtODSSecurityWebID][WebID Protocol Support in OpenLink Data Spaces]].
* Manage ODS Datadspaces Objects WebID Access Control Lists (ACLs):
* [[ODSBriefcaseWebID][ODS Briefcase WebID based ACL Guide]]
* [[ODSBriefcaseWebIDPerson][Person Entity WebID based ACL Guide]]
* [[ODSBriefcaseWebIDGroup][Group Entity WebID based ACL Guide]]
* [[ODSBriefcaseWebIDPublic][Public WebID based ACL Guide]]
* [[ODSFeedManagerWebIDACL][ODS Feed Manager WebID based ACL Guide]]
* [[ODSFeedManagerWebIDACLPerson][Person Entity Specific ACL]]
* [[ODSFeedManagerWebIDACLGroup][Group Entity Specific ACL]]
* [[ODSFeedManagerWebIDACLPublic][Public Specific ACL for anyone with a WebID]]
* [[ODSCalendarWebIDACL][ODS Calendar WebID based ACL Guide]]
* [[ODSCalendarWebIDACLPerson][Person Entity Specific ACL]]
* [[ODSCalendarWebIDACLGroup][Group Entity Specific ACL]]
* [[ODSCalendarWebIDACLPublic][Public Specific ACL for anyone with a WebID]]
* [[ODSBookmarksWebIDACL][ODS Bookmark Manager WebID based ACL Guide]]
* [[ODSBookmarksWebIDACLPerson][Person Entity Specific ACL]]
* [[ODSBookmarksWebIDACLGroup][Group Entity Specific ACL]]
* [[ODSBookmarksWebIDACLPublic][Public Specific ACL for anyone with a WebID]]
* [[ODSAddressBookWebIDACL][ODS Addressbook WebID based ACL Guide]]
* [[ODSAddressBookWebIDACLPerson][Person Entity Specific ACL]]
* [[ODSAddressBookWebIDACLGroup][Group Entity Specific ACL]]
* [[ODSAddressBookWebIDACLPublic][Public Specific ACL for anyone with a WebID]]
* [[ODSPkiSetup][Guide for Set up a X.509 certificate issuer and HTTPS listener and generate ODS user certificates]]
* [[ODSSetupSSL][Configure Virtuoso+ODS instance as an X.509 Certificate Authority and HTTPS listener]]
* [[http://virtuoso.openlinksw.com/dataspace/dav/wiki/Main/VirtSetupSSL][Configure Virtuoso instance as an X.509 Certificate Authority and HTTPS listener]]
* [[VirtODSPubSubHub][Setting up PubSubHub in ODS]]
* [[VirtPubSubHub][PubSubHubBub Demo Client Example]]
* [[VirtFeedPubSubHub][Feed subscription via PubSubHub protocol Example ]]
* [[VirtPubSubHubACL][Setting Up PubSubHub to use WebID Protocol or IP based control lists]]
* [[OdsKeyImport][CA Keys Import using Conductor]]
* [[ODSGenerateX509Certificate][Generate an X.509 Certificate hosted WebID Guide]]
* [[ODSGenerateWebIDX509CertOSKeystore][Generate an X.509 Certificate (with a WebID watermark) to be managed by host operating system keystore]]
* [[ODSGenerateWebIDX509CertBrsKeystore][Generate an X.509 Certificate (with a WebID watermark) to be managed by a browser-based keystore]]
* [[ODSWebIDIdP][Using Virtuoso's WebID Verification Proxy Service with a WebID-bearing X.509 certificate]]
* [[ODSWebIDIdpProxy][Using Virtuoso's WebID Identity Provider (IdP) Proxy Service with an X.509 certificate]]
* [[ODSBriefcaseWebIDShareFile][ODS Briefcase WebID Protocol Share File Guide]]
* [[http://esw.w3.org/topic/foaf+ssl][WebID Protocol Specification]]
* [[https://foaf.me/simpleLogin.php][Test WebID Protocol Certificate page]]
* [[http://test.foafssl.org/cert/][WebID Protocol Certificate Generation page]]
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