---++ODS-Briefcase OAuth Ubiquity Authentication Example
The following example demonstrates OAuth authentication, getting the OAuth SID value for an existing ODS-Briefcase —
instance mybriefcase with owner demo
— on the [[http://demo.openlinksw.com/ods/][OpenLink Demo server]].
---+++ Prerequisites
To successfully execute the example, you must first Generate OAuth Keys for the mybriefcase instance of ODS-Briefcase
on the [[http://demo.openlinksw.com/ods/][OpenLink Demo server]]. The four step process is documented [[VirtOAuthControllers][here]].
You must also be using the [[http://www.mozilla.com/firefox/][Firefox web browser]], with the [[https://wiki.mozilla.org/Labs/Ubiquity][Ubiquity extension]] installed therein.
Last, you will need to subscribe to the ODS Ubiquity commands by accessing [[http://demo.openlinksw.com/ods/ods_ubiquity.html][http://demo.openlinksw.com/ods/ods_ubiquity.html]].
Ubiquity is activated for command execution with the ctrl-space
key combination.
---+++ Procedure
1. Execute the Ubiquity command:
ods-oauth-host http://demo.openlinksw.com/OAuth
1. Execute the Ubiquity command:
ods-set-mode oauth
1. Setup OAuth key for your ODS application instance. Detail information you can find [[VirtOAuthControllers][here]].
1. Go to [[http://demo.openlinksw.com/ods/oauth_sid.vsp][http://demo.openlinksw.com/ods/oauth_sid.vsp]]
1. In the form, enter username demo
, choose the application mybriefcase from the menu, and
click the Execute button.
1. When prompted, enter the demo
user's password (demo
) and click the Login button.
1. Click the Authorize button.
1. Copy the OAuth SID value so obtained, e.g., 7b040714f8b0d52c65e9eb9f6b93a240
, for pasting in the next step.
1. Execute the Ubiquity command:
ods-set-briefcase-oauth 7b040714f8b0d52c65e9eb9f6b93a240
CategoryODS CategoryBriefcase CategoryDocumentation CategoryOdsBriefcase