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  • ODS.ODSBriefcaseWebIDShareFile(1.2) -- DAVWikiAdmin? , 2018-04-05 14:47:32 Edit WebDAV System Administrator 2018-04-05 14:47:32

    ODS Briefcase WebID? Protocol Share File

    1. Install ODS Briefcase VAD package.

    2. Go to http://cname:port/ods and register user, for ex. with name demo and password demo.
      • Note: you can also use an existing ODS user for the next steps

    3. Logged in as user demo, click the link "Briefcase" from the left vertical navigation.

    4. Click the "Upload" icon from the main ODS Briefcase horizontal navigation and upload a simple file, for ex. file with name kidehen.vcf and with content:

      BEGIN:VCARD VERSION:2.1 FN:Kingsley Idehen EMAIL;PREF;INTERNET: N:Kingsley;Idehen NICKNAME:kidehen ADR;TYPE=HOME:;;;Lexington;Massachusetts;;United States TEL;TYPE=HOME;VOICE: ADR;TYPE=WORK:;;10 Mall Road Suite 265;Burlington;Massachusetts;01803;United States TEL;TYPE=WORK;VOICE:+1 781 273 0900 TEL;TYPE=CELL;VOICE: TZ:-5 URL:http://www.openlinksw.com/blog/~kidehen ORG:OpenLink Software END:VCARD

    5. The resource kidehen.vcf should be shown in the list of resources for user demo with path /DAV/home/demo.

    6. Click the "Update Properties" icon for the resource kidehen.vcf from the very right column with label "Actions".
    7. The Main properties tab for the given resource should be shown.

    8. Go to the "Sharing" tab

      • To share the resource to a person, see details here.
      • To share the resource to group of users, see details here.
      • To share the resource to public, see details here.
