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  • ODS.ODSCalendarWebIDACLPerson(1.1) -- DAVWikiAdmin? , 2017-06-13 06:07:22 Edit WebDAV System Administrator 2017-06-13 06:07:22

    ODS-Calendar WebID? Protocol Sharing to Person

    1. Configure Virtuoso+ODS instance as an X.509 Certificate Authority and HTTPS listener
    2. Generate a Personal HTTP based Identifier for fictitious Person Entity: John and then bind his personal Identifier to an X.509 Certificate (thereby giving him a WebID?)
    3. Go to http://cname/ods
    4. Enter ODS user credentials, for ex. "Demo"
    5. Go to ODS-Calendar and then share an ODS-Calendar Task or Event explicitly with "John" (solely) via his WebID?.
    6. As Person Entity: John attempt to view the shared Task/Event by Person Entity "Demo" by doing the following:
      • refresh browser
      • access the url:

        -- for task: https://host:ssl-port/dataspace/username/calendar/user-calendar-instance-name/Task/task-id -- for event: https://host:ssl-port/dataspace/username/calendar/user-calendar-instance-name/Event/event-id

        • For ex. it could be:

          -- for task: https://ods-qa.openlinksw.com/dataspace/demo/calendar/Demo%20User%27s%20Calendar/Task/1791 -- for event: https://ods-qa.openlinksw.com/dataspace/demo/calendar/Demo%20User%27s%20Calendar/Event/1789

      • when prompted by browser, select John's Certificate:

      • after successful authentication, you will be to view (or edit) the shared task/event:
