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  • ODS.ODSControllerPHPAPILogin(1.1) -- DAVWikiAdmin? , 2017-06-13 06:02:35 Edit WebDAV System Administrator 2017-06-13 06:02:35

    ODS Controller for PHP API Login

    1. PHP: The supported version of PHP is 5, so you should use Virtuoso executive with php5 plugin.

      [Plugins] LoadPath = ../hosting .... Load8 = attach, php5ts Load9 = Hosting, hosting_php.dll ....

    2. The page name is 'users.php'.
    3. The endpoint URL is http://[cname]:[port]/php/users/users.php The alternate URL is http://[cname]:[port]/ods/users/users.php
    4. Configuration:
      1. Start Virtuoso executive
      2. Install the ods framework_dav.vad package
    5. Source Code.
