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  • ODS.ODSFeedManagerWebIDACL(1.1) -- DAVWikiAdmin? , 2017-06-13 06:06:44 Edit WebDAV System Administrator 2017-06-13 06:06:44

    ODS Feed Manager WebID? Protocol Sharing

    The following HOWTO walks you through the process of setting the following:

    • Virtuoso instance as Certificate Authority (CA) for signing X.509 certificates
    • HTTPS listeners for an OpenLink Data Spaces (ODS) instance
    • Generation and export of Private Keys and X.509 certificates (that include your Person WebID?) to your Browser
    • Persistence of Certificate's Public Key to your ODS profile (FOAF or XRDS based Structured Profile)
    • Use of the WebID? Protocol option for ODS-Feed Manager Access Control Lists (ACLs) when providing controlled shared access to Subscriptions.


    1. Person Entity Specific ACL
    2. Group Entity Specific ACL
    3. Public Specific ACL for anyone with a WebID
