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  • ODS.ODSMailSpamFilterRule(Last) -- DAVWikiAdmin? , 2017-06-29 07:29:55 Edit WebDAV System Administrator 2017-06-29 07:29:55

    Manage Spam Filter with Addressbook interaction Example

    1. Go to http://cname/ods and register an user, for ex. test1.
      1. Create a ODS-Mail instance for user test1, for ex. with name test1@domain.com.

      2. Go to the ODS-Mail -> Preferences -> Privacy.
      3. Set "Allow messages from" to "My contacts only" and check "When messages are determined to be Spam" with option "Move them to the Spam folder".

      4. Click the button "Save".
    2. Go to http://cname/ods and register an user, for ex. test2.
      1. Create a ODS-Mail instance for user test2, for ex. with name test2@domain.com.

    3. Go to http://cname/ods and register an user, for ex. test3.
      1. Create a ODS-Mail instance for user test3, for ex. with name test3@domain.com.

    4. Go to http://cname/ods and log in as user test1.
      1. Create an AddressBook instance for user test1.

      2. From the AddressBook instance UI click the "New Contact" button.
        1. In tab "Main" specify name for ex.: John ;

        2. Go to tab "Contact" tab.
        3. Enter for "Mail": test2@domain.com.
          • Note: this should be valid e-mail address of the ODS user test2.

        4. Click "Save":
    5. Go to http://cname/ods and log in as user test2.
    6. Go to user test2's ODS-Mail instance:
      1. Click "Write message".
      2. In the shown form enter for the following fields respectively:
        1. "To": test1@domain.com.
        2. "Subject": simple test ;
        3. "Comma separated tags": test ;
        4. "message":

          This is simple test.

      3. Click "Send".
      4. As result the following message should be presented:

        The message has been sent successfully to: test1@domain.com

    7. Go to http://cname/ods and log in as user test1.
      1. Go to user test1 ODS-Mail instance.
      2. Inbox should contain one mail message from test2@domain.com.

    8. Now let's see what will happens when user test1 receives mail from a sender, which is not in his/her contact list. Go to http://cname/ods and log in as user test3.
    9. Go to user test3's ODS-Mail instance.
      1. Click "Write message".
      2. In the shown form enter for the following fields respectively:
        1. "To": test1@domain.com
        2. "Subject": new test
        3. "Comma separated tags": test.
        4. "message":

          This is new test.

      3. Click "Send".
      4. As result the following message should be presented:

        The message has been sent successfully to: test1@domain.com

    10. Go to http://cname/ods and log in as user test1.
    11. Go to user test1's ODS-Mail instance.
    12. In the Spam folder should be indicated 1 new message has been received. Click on its subject link in order to view the message content.
    13. The message should be from the sender with mail test3@domain.com:
