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  • ODS.ODSPkiSetup(1.2) -- DAVWikiAdmin? , 2018-04-05 16:33:24 Edit WebDAV System Administrator 2018-04-05 16:33:24

    Certificate Authority and Issuer Setup Guide

    The following step-by-step guide walks you through the processing of configuring your ODS instance for issuing CA-Authority notarized X.509 certificates for ODS instance users.

    Certificate Authority Setup

    1. Install the ODS Framework and Virtuoso Conductor VAD packages.
    2. Bind your Virtuoso HTTPS Listener to host a CA-Authority certificate.

    ODS Endpoint Configuration

    Note: If the DefaultHost setting value in the Virtuoso INI file is changed, the ODS VAD package must be re-installed before the steps below will succeed.
    1. Go to Conductor -> System Admin -> Security -> Public Key Infrastructure -> Configure HTTPS Listeners.

    2. Click Configure ODS Endpoints

    3. Click Create New Endpoint
    4. Enter the home path for ODS, and save:

    5. The new endpoint should now appear in the Endpoints list:

    6. Go to the HTTPS site, e.g., https://<cname>:<port>/ods/; in our example, https://localhost:4433/ods/.
      1. If Firefox is used, it will complain that the certificate is not valid, so we must register the site's certificate.

      2. To add an exception to the Firefox certificate manager, drill down to Firefox Tools -> Options -> View Certificates -> Servers -> Add Exception.

      3. Confirm exception.

    7. Return to the ODS site, and register new user.

    8. Generate an X.509 Certificate for the new user.
    9. Log out from ODS and refresh browser to simulate opening the ODS site.
    10. Go to https://<cname>:<ssl-port>/ods/. The browser will ask for a certificate; select the one you generated in the steps above.

    11. ODS presents your card, and asks whether to login with that certificate. Confirm it.

    12. You should now be logged in to ODS via WebID? Protocol.


    CategoryDocumentation CategorySecurity CategoryVirtuoso CategoryFOAF CategoryODS