%META:TOPICPARENT{name="ODSWebIDIdP"}% ---++Using Virtuoso's WebID Verify Proxy Service with an X.509 certificate WebID: VSP Example '80') hostUrl := hostUrl || ':' || hpa [1]; } if (hostUrl not like 'https://%') hostUrl := 'https://' || hostUrl; certificate := client_attr ('client_certificate'); callback := hostUrl || '/ods/webid_demo.vsp'; url := sprintf ('http://id.myopenlink.net/ods/webid_verify.vsp?callback=%U&certificate=%U', callback, certificate); http_status_set (302); http_header (sprintf ('Location: %s\r\n', url)); return; html: ?> WebID Verification Demo - VSP

WebID Verification Demo - VSP

This will check your X.509 Certificate's WebID watermark.
Also note this service supports ldap, http, mailto, acct scheme based WebIDs.

The return values are: