%VOSWARNING% ---++ODS Weblog Blogger API * blogger.newPost Description: Creates a new post, and optionally publishes it. Parameters: "appkey" string "blogid" string "username" string "password" string "content" string "publish" boolean Return value: on success: "postid" string - ID of the new post; on failure: fault * blogger.editPost Description: Updates the information about an existing post. Parameters: "appkey" string "postid" string "username" string "password" string "content" string "publish" boolean Return value: on success: boolean true value on failure: fault * blogger.deletePost Description: Deletes a post. Parameters: "appkey" string "postid" string "username" string "password" string "publish" boolean Return value: on success: boolean true value on failure: fault * blogger.getPost * blogger.getRecentPosts Description: Returns a list of the most recent posts in the system. Parameters: "appkey" string "blogid" string "username" string "password" string "numberOfPosts" int Return value: on success: array of structs containing: { "dateCreated" ISO.8601 date string "userid" string "postid" string "content" string } on failure: fault * blogger.getUsersBlogs Description: Returns a list of weblogs to which a user has posting privileges. Parameters: "appkey" string "username" string "password" string Return value: on success: array of structs containing { "url" string "blogid" string "blogName" string } on failure: fault * blogger.getTemplate Parameters: "appkey" string "blogid" string "username" string "password" string templateType string: Determines which of the blog's templates will be returned. Currently, either "main" or "archiveIndex" can be accepted. Return value: on success: string containing the template "content" on failure: fault * blogger.setTemplate Parameters: "appkey" string "blogid" string "username" string "password" string "template" string: The text for the new template (usually an HTML "content"). "templateType" string: Determines which of the blog's templates will be returned. Currently, either "main" or "archiveIndex". Return value: on success: true value, boolean, on failure: fault * blogger.getUserInfo Description: Returns information about an author in the system. Parameters: "appkey" string "username" string "password" string Return value: on success: struct containing: { string userid string firstname string lastname string nickname string email string url } on failure: fault Notes: firstname is the Movable Type "username" up to the first space character, and lastname is the "username" after the first space character. ---+++ODS Weblog Blogger API Services UI Endpoint ODS Weblog Blogger API Services UI endpoint: http://host:port/BlogAPI/services.vsmx ODS Weblog Blogger API Services wsdl Endpoint: http://host:port/BlogAPI/services.wsdl ---+++References * [[http://xmlrpc.free-conversant.com/docs/bloggerAPI][Blogger API ]]