%META:TOPICPARENT{name="OdsBriefcase"}% ---+ Briefcase URL Parameters You can use an XHR-oriented parameterized URL to load the page with a number of UI choices. http://{cname}/dataspace/[user]/briefcase/[instance](?dir,list_type,ts_order,ts_direction) ---++ HTTP URL Parameters * dir — What directory to open. * list_type — What is the grid type. Optional values: details or list. * ts_order — What is the order column. Available values:

|*value*| *description*| | column_#1 | Name | | column_#2 | Tags | | column_#3 | Size | | column_#4 | Date Modified (Default value) | | column_#5 | Content Type | | column_#6 | Kind| | column_#7 | Owner | | column_#8 | Group | | column_#9 | Permissions | | column_#10 | Date Created | | column_#11 | Date Added |
* ts_direction — What is the order direction. Optional values: asc or desc.