---+Link existing ODS user with Facebook account using the Profile Setup Feature
1 Make sure the steps from the [[OdsFacebookIntegrationSetupAdminGuide][ODS Facebook Integration Administrators Guide]] are performed.
1 Go to http://cname:port/ods .
1 Click "Sign In"
1 Enter your ODS user credential and click "Login":
1 Go to Profile Edit ->Security->Facebook
1 Click the "f connect" button
1 In the open new window enter your Facebook account credentials.
1 Click "Login"
1 Click "Update"
1 As result your ODS user will be connected to your Facebook user as shown:
* [[OdsFacebookIntegration][ODS Facebook Guide]]
* [[OdsFacebookIntegrationSetupAdminGuide][ODS Facebook Integration Administrators Guide]]
* [[OdsFacebookIntegrationLinkODSFacebook][Link existing ODS user with Facebook account]]
* [[OdsFacebookIntegrationLinkODSFacebookSignUp][Link ODS user with Facebook account using the Sign Up Facebook feature]].
* [[OdsFacebookIntegrationAuthentcFacebook][Authenticate in ODS using your Facebook account]]