---++WebDAV browse feature for ODS users
* Browse a file content: Virtuoso offers a short way to view ODS user's WebDAV file content. All you need to do is for existing ODS user to access the following url: http://host:port/~<odsuser>/<name of the file>.
* For ex. if for ODS user demo at http://demo.openlinksw.com/ there is a file a.rq uploaded in the WebDAV location: DAV/home/demo/, then to view the file you need to access the url: http://demo.openlinksw.com/DAV/home/demo/a.rq
--a.rq file content:
PREFIX skos:
PREFIX foaf:
PREFIX rdfs:
SELECT ?person ?birth ?name ?description
?person dbpedia2:birthPlace ;
skos:subject ;
dbpedia2:birth ?birth ;
foaf:name ?name ;
rdfs:comment ?description .
ORDER BY ?name
* Browse a folder content: You can also browse the ODS user's WebDAV Public folder by accessing the following url: http://host:port/~<ods-user>/Public. For ex.: http://demo.openlinksw.com/Public