Briefcase Applications Data Space
ODS-Briefcase and SIOC Ontology
ODS | SIOC | Sample Value |
Data Space Class | Class | sioc:Container |
Data Space SubClass? | SubClass? | sioct:Briefcase |
Data Space Generic Instance | Type | sioc:Container |
Data Space Type Specific Instance | Type | sioct:Briefcase |
Data Space Instance Identifier (URI) | ID | "<http://demo.openlinksw.com/dataspace/demo/briefcase/demoBriefcase#id>" |
Note: Default Graph URI value used in the queries below is: http://demo.openlinksw.com/dataspace
- Data Space Post/Entry/Item Properties (sioc:Post predicates)
- List of Web Services (e.g Atom Publishing (SOAP), Moveable Type (XML-RPC) etc.) associated with Briefcase Data Space Instances
- Dump of all Briefcase (WebDAV) Items from special "Public" folder
- SPARQL Introduction - Dave Beckett, XTech 2004
- SPARQL Introduction - Dave Beckett, Standford University Presentation
- SPARQL Query Protocol presentation at XTech 2006 by Leigh Dodds
- SPASQL - Initiative to add SPARQL to MySQL?
- SPARQL Tutorial by Cristina Feier from the DERI? Project
- SPARQL Tutorial - Clark+Prasia & University of Manchester Tutorial
- Jena SPARQL Tutorial
CategoryRDF CategorySIOC CategorySPARQL CategoryBriefcase