ODS Calendar SIOC Reference

This article outlines the mapping of ODS Calendar data to the SIOC ontology for the purpose of constructing SPARQL? Queries against OpenLink? Data Spaces ODS Calendar Data.

ODS-Calendar and SIOC Ontology

ODSSIOCSample Value
Data Space Class Classsioc:Container
Data Space SubClass?SubClass? sioct:Calendar
Data Space Generic Instance Typesioc:Container
Data Space Type Specific InstanceType sioct:Calendar
Data Space Instance Identifier (URI)ID"<http://demo.openlinksw.com/dataspace/demo/calendar/mycalendar#id>"

Note: Default Graph URI value used in the queries below is: http://demo.openlinksw.com/dataspace

CategoryRDF CategorySIOC CategorySKOS CategorySPARQL CategoryFOAF CategoryCalendar