VAL Customization


VAL can be customized in various ways, by manipulating the triples in a set of pre-defined private graphs. Typically these details will be hidden behind user interface elements, but it is good to know them anyway.

Customizing the Standard VAL Authentication Page

VAL allows some customization of the authenticate.vsp page (also see the the VAL VSP Authentication Tutorial).

Customizing the Logos

Logos displayed on the authentication page can easily be customized per application realm. By default, VAL shows details about the identity provider on the left, and the Virtuoso logo as the image on the right.

To set the left and right logos for the default realm, one can simply insert corresponding triples into the VAL config graph:

PREFIX  oplcfg:  <>
PREFIX  oplacl:  <>
  INTO <urn:virtuoso:val:config> 
      oplacl:DefaultRealm  oplcfg:hasLeftLogo  <http://path/to/a-logo.png> ;
                           oplcfg:hasRightLogo <http://path/to/another-logo.png> .

Similarly, the href targets of these logos (which default as shown here) can be set via:

PREFIX  oplcfg:  <>
PREFIX  oplacl:  <>
  INTO <urn:virtuoso:val:config> 
      oplacl:DefaultRealm  oplcfg:hasLeftAnchor   <> ;
                           oplcfg:hasRightAnchor  <> .

Customizing the Access Request Dialog

There are two modes to how the Access Request Dialog is to be presented:

This setting is tied to the application realm, which means that it does not apply to any other realm.

To show the dialog automatically in the default realm, one sets the following property:

PREFIX  oplcfg:  <>
  INTO <urn:virtuoso:val:config> 
      <urn:virtuoso:val:realms:default>  oplcfg:hasRequestAccessDialogMode  oplcfg:SimpleRequestAccessDialog

To restore the default, one simply deletes the configuration:

PREFIX  oplcfg:  <>
  FROM <urn:virtuoso:val:config> 
      <urn:virtuoso:val:realms:default>  oplcfg:hasRequestAccessDialogMode  oplcfg:SimpleRequestAccessDialog

Customizing the ACL Graphs

The VAL ACL system uses a set of named graphs to store rules, groups, and restrictions. By default, VAL uses one graph for each combination of application realm and ACL resource type. It uses the default hostname (HOST in the example below) of the Virtuoso instance.

Example: The default graph which stores the rules in the default realm is the following:

On firsts usage of the API to create a rule, group, or restriction this graph will be created and made private. It will then be stored in the VAL configuration using the oplacl:hasRuleDocument property:

{ oplacl:DefaultRealm  oplacl:hasRuleDocument  <http://HOST/acl/graph/rules/> }

It is possible to customize these graphs (ideally before the API creates them) which might be desireable for manual ACL resource creation via SPARQL Insert. Since VAL will honor the setting above one can simply add the required triples into the VAL config graph.

Example: Given that one wants to change the rule, group, and restriction graphs for the default application realm, the following will do:
PREFIX  oplacl:  <>
PREFIX  oplres:  <>
WITH <urn:virtuoso:val:config>
      oplacl:DefaultRealm         oplacl:hasRuleDocument  <urn:acl:rules> ;
                                 oplacl:hasGroupDocument  <urn:acl:groups> ;
                           oplres:hasRestrictionDocument  <urn:acl:restrictions> .

VAL will honor these settings, and store and read all rules, groups, and restrictions from the configured graphs.


Customizing the Page Footers

VAL's own /sparql integration allows to set a custom page footer. This can be used to for example show social sharing controls via Javascript commands. Each endpoint has its own configuration. The following example shows how the main /sparql endpoint of can be enhanced with social sharing controls:

PREFIX  oplcfg:  <>
WITH <urn:virtuoso:val:config>
      <>  oplcfg:hasFooter  [
                                                                               a  oplcfg:HtmlSnippet ;
                                                              oplcfg:hasHtmlBody  """<script type="text/javascript" src="">
                                                                                     <script type="text/javascript">
                                                                                         'theme' : 'transparent',
                                                                                         'share' : {
                                                                                           'position' : 'right',
                                                                                           'services' : 'google,linkedin,twitter,facebook,more'