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  • ODS.VirtuosoOdsUbiquity(1.1) -- DAVWikiAdmin? , 2017-06-13 06:05:57 Edit WebDAV System Administrator 2017-06-13 06:05:57

    ODS Ubiquity Commands

    What is the ODS Ubiquity Commands implementation?

    ODS provides Ubiquity commands to manipulate user accounts as well as instances and instance specific data using the ODS Controllers API. This command set is available only for the Firefox browser with the Ubiquity extension installed.

    How does it work?


    First, the Ubiquity Firefox extension must be installed. Then, ODS Ubiquity commands can be installed by accessing http://host:port/ods/ods_ubiquity.html page. Ubiquity commands are accessed by the ctrl-space key combination.


    Utility Commands

    1. show current ODS Ubiquity params:

      Syntax: ods-get-params Example: ods-get-params

    2. enable log command execution - steps and parameters. The log can be shown on Firebug console:

      Syntax: ods-log-enable Example: ods-log-enable

    3. disable log command execution:

      Syntax: ods-log-disable Example: ods-log-disable

    Basic Session Setup Commands

    ODS Instance Identification

    Assuming you are using the server at: http://myopenlink.net/, in order to change it use the command:
    Syntax: ods-host <host_url>
    Example: ods-host http://demo.openlinksw.com/ods

    Example usage you can find here.

    ODS OAuth Endpoint Identification

    Assuming the OAuth endpoint: http://myopenlink.net/OAuth, in order to change it use the command:
    Syntax: ods-oauth-host <host_url>
    Example: ods-oauth-host http://demo.openlinksw.com/OAuth

    Example usage you can find here.

    ODS Command Mode

    There are two command modes available to ubiquity commands when working against an ODS instance: oauth or sid.

    In OAuth mode, for every ODS application instance, an OAuth key must be obtained and then initialized via the following steps:

    1. obtain an ODS based OAuth session-key via the ODS example endpoint: http://host:port/ods/oauth_sid.vsp


    2. bind session key to command session via the command: *ods-set-oauth <oauth-key>* or use *ods-set-[class name]-oauth <oauth-key>* when oauth-key was generated for particular application instance.
      • Example usage you can find here.

    If you choose the SID mode of interaction with ODS you have to perform the following steps:

    1. set mode via command: ods-set-mode sid or ods-set-mode oauth
    2. set sid via command: ods-set-sid sid
      • Example usage you can find here.

    Note: The sid is a session ID applicable to all ODS commands for a given bound instance and user combination. It's obtained from an ODS session.

    ODS Application Commands By Functionality Realm

    ODS Object Information

    1. get information for ODS object by uri: ods-get-uri-info:

      Syntax: ods-get-uri-info <uri> Example: ods-get-uri-info http://myopenlink.net/dataspace/person/kidehen

    User Management

    1. create user in ODS: ods-create-user:

      Syntax: ods-create-user <user_name> password <password> email <email> Example: ods-create-user test password test email test@openlinksw.com

    2. authenticate user in ODS: ods-authenticate-user:

      Syntax: ods-authenticate-user <user_name> with <password> Example: ods-authenticate-user demo with demo

      • Example usage you can find here.
    3. get user info: ods-get-user test:

      Syntax: ods-get-user <user_name> Example: ods-get-user test

    4. enable user: ods-enable-user:

      Syntax: ods-enable-user <user_name> Example: ods-enable-user test

    5. disable user: ods-disable-user:

      Syntax: ods-disable-user <user_name> Example: ods-disable-user test

    6. user removal: ods-delete-user:

      Syntax: ods-delete-user <user_name> Example: ods-delete-user test

    User Annotations

    1. new annotation:

      Syntax: ods-create-user-annotation <iri> has <relation> with <value> Example: ods-create-user-annotation http://yahoo.com has see:Also with test

    2. remove existing annotation:

      Syntax: ods-delete-user-annotation <iri> has <relation> with <value> Example: ods-delete-user-annotation http://yahoo.com has see:Also with test

    User Topic Of Interests

    1. new topic of interest:

      Syntax: ods-create-user-topicOfInterest <topicURI> [label <topicLabel>] Example: ods-create-user-topicOfInterest http://yahoo.com label Yahoo Search Engine

    2. remove existing topic of interest:

      Syntax: ods-delete-user-topicOfInterest <topicURI> Example: ods-delete-user-topicOfInterest http://yahoo.com

    User Thing Of Interests

    1. new thing of interest:

      Syntax: ods-create-user-thingOfInterest <thingURI> [label <thingLabel>] Example: ods-create-user-thingOfInterest http://facefook.com

    2. remove existing thing of interest:

      Syntax: ods-delete-user-thingOfInterest <thingURI> Example: ods-delete-user-thingOfInterest http://facefook.com

    User Biographical Data

    1. new annotation:

      Syntax: ods-create-user-bioevent <bioEvent> on <bioDate> in <bioPlace> Example: ods-create-user-bioevent bio:Birth on 1970-01-01 in London

    2. remove existing annotation:

      Syntax: ods-delete-user-bioevent <bioEvent> on <bioDate> in <bioPlace> Example: ods-delete-user-bioevent bio:Birth on 1970-01-01 in London

    User's OfferList

    1. new offer:

      Syntax: ods-create-user-offer <offerName> [comment <offerComment>] Example: ods-create-user-offer LCD Monitor

    2. new offer property:

      Syntax: ods-create-user-offer-property <offerName> property <offerProperty> value <offerPropertyValue> Example: ods-create-user-offer-property LCD Monitor property gr:price value $199.95

    3. remove existing offer property:

      Syntax: ods-delete-user-offer-property <offerName> property <offerProperty> Example: ods-delete-user-offer-property LCD Monitor property gr:price

    4. remove existing offer:

      Syntax: ods-delete-user-offer <offerName> Example: ods-delete-user-offer LCD Monitor

    User's WishList

    1. new thing of interest:

      Syntax: ods-create-user-wish <wishName> type <wishType> [comment <wishComment>] Example: ods-create-user-wish Keyboard type wishs

    2. remove existing wish:

      Syntax: ods-delete-user-wish Example: ods-delete-user-wish Keyboard

    Instance Management

    1. get instance id: ods-get-instance-id:

      Syntax: ods-get-instance-id <instance_name> Example: ods-get-instance-id demo's Bookmarks

    2. freeze instance: ods-freeze-instance:

      Syntax: ods-freeze-instance <instance_id> Example: ods-freeze-instance 10

    3. unfreeze instances: ods-unfreeze-instance:

      Syntax: ods-freeze-instance <instance_id> Example: ods-unfreeze-instance 10







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