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  • ODS.VirtuosoOdsUbiquityFeeds(Last) -- DAVWikiAdmin? , 2017-06-29 07:33:02 Edit WebDAV System Administrator 2017-06-29 07:33:02

    Feed Manager Ubiquity Commands

    1. establish OAuth session key for ODS FeedsManager instance:

      Syntax: ods-set-feeds-oauth <session_key> Example: ods-set-feeds-oauth c4746c96bd8faa99798ad88448ba3bab

      • Example usage you can find here.
    2. subscribe (create) feed:

      Syntax: ods-subscribe-feed <instance_id> uri <uri> [name <name>] [homeUri <homeUri>] [tags <tags>] [folder_id <folder_id>] Example: ods-subscribe-feed 10 uri http://support.openlinksw.com/viewlets/virtuoso_viewlets_rss.vsp

      • Example usage you can find here.
    3. get feed resource information by resource ID:

      Syntax: ods-get-feed-by-id <feed_id> Example: ods-get-feed-by-id 1001

    4. unsubscribe feed by resource ID:

      Syntax: ods-unsubscribe-feed <feed_id> Example: ods-unsubscribe-feed 1001

    5. refresh feed by resource ID:

      Syntax: ods-refresh-feed <feed_id> Example: ods-refresh-feed 1001

    6. subscribe feeds blog:

      Syntax: ods-subscribe-feeds-blog <instance_id> name <name> api <Blogger|MetaWeblog|MovableType|Atom> uri <uri> port <port> endpoint <endpoint> user <user> password <password> Example: ods-subscribe-feeds-blog 10 name demo's Weblog api Blogger uri http://demo.openlinksw.com port 80 endpoint /RPC2 user demo password demo

    7. unsubscribe blog by resource ID:

      Syntax: ods-unsubscribe-feeds-blog <blog_id> Example: ods-unsubscribe-feeds-blog 1001

    8. refresh blog by resource ID:

      Syntax: ods-refresh-feeds-blog <blog_id> Example: ods-refresh-feeds-blog 1001

    9. create feeds folder by resource path:

      Syntax: ods-create-feeds-folder <instance_id> path <path> Example: ods-create-feeds-folder 10 path /Test

    10. delete feeds folder by resource path:

      Syntax: ods-delete-feeds-folder <instance_id> path <path> Example: ods-delete-feeds-folder 10 path /Test

    11. create annotation to existing feed item ID:

      Syntax: ods-create-feed-item-annotation <feed_id> item_id <item_id> author <author> body <body> Example: ods-create-feed-item-annotation 1001 item_id 10001 author demo body OpenLink RDF Browser

    12. get annotation information by resource ID:

      Syntax: ods-get-feed-item-annotation-by-id <annotation_id> Example: ods-get-feed-item-annotation-by-id 100001

    13. create claim to existing annotation:

      Sybtax: ods-create-feed-item-annotation-claim <annotation_id> iri <iri> relation <relation> value <value> Example: ods-create-feed-item-annotation-claim 100001 iri http://openlinksw.com relation rdfs:seeAlso value http://dbpedia.org

    14. delete annotation by resource ID:

      Syntax: ods-delete-feed-item-annotation <annotation_id> Example: ods-delete-feed-item-annotation 100001

    15. create comment to existing feed item ID:

      Syntax: ods-create-feed-item-comment <feed_id> item_id <item_id> title <title> body <body> author <author> authorMail <authorMail> [authorUrl <authorUrl>] Example: ods-create-feed-item-comment 1001 item_id 10001 title RDF body OpenLink RDF Browser http://demo.openlinksw.com/rdfbrowser/ author demo authorMail demo@openlinksw.com

    16. get comment information by resource ID:

      Syntax: ods-get-feed-item-comment-by-id <comment_id> Example: ods-get-feed-item-comment-by-id 100001

    17. delete comment by resource ID:

      Syntax: ods-delete-feed-item-comment <comment_id> Example: ods-delete-feed-item-comment 100001

    18. set feeds instance options/properties:

      Syntax: ods-set-feeds-options <instance_id> options <options> Example: ods-set-feeds-options 10 options rows=20 (set 20 rows per page)

    19. get feeds instance options/properties:

      Syntax: ods-get-feeds-options <instance_id> Example: ods-get-feeds-options 10
