%META:TOPICINFO{author="RumiTsekova" date="1162493013" format="1.1" version="1.1"}%
---++Discussion / Conversation Data Space
Each Wiki, Weblog, Feed Manager, Bookmark Manager, Mail, and Photo Gallery, application instance with "Conversation" functionality enabled results in the generation of SIOC instance data from the ODS Discussion Application. For example, in the Weblog Data Space this implies that all comments are delegated to the Discussion Data Space application (which is an application of Virtuoso's NNTP engine) and exposed as SIOC data automatically.
---+++Key ODS-Discussion to SIOC Mappings
|ODS|SIOC|Sample Value|
|Application Instance (NNTP newsgroup)|rdf:type|sioc:Forum|
|Application Type|rdf:type|sioct:MessageBoard|
|Application Instance Name|sioc:id|"[wiki, blog, etc instances name]"|
* [[SIOCRefDiscussionsExample1][Data Space Post/Entry/Item Properties (sioc:Post predicates)]]
* [[SIOCRefDiscussionsExample2][Obtaining a dump of all Posts within a specific ODS-Discussion Data Space]]
* [[SIOCRefDiscussionsExample3][Dump of Blog Posts with "Conversation" Feature Enabled ]]
* [[SIOCRefDiscussionsExample4][Dump of Wiki Posts with "Conversation" Feature Enabled ]]
* [[SIOCRefDiscussionsExample5][Discussions posts details returned as an RDF Graph ]]
* [[][SPARQL - Query Language]]
* [[][SPARQL - Protocol]]
* [[][SPARQL - XML based Results Format]]
* [[][SPARQL FAQ - Lee Feigenbaum]]
* [[][SPARQL Introduction]] - Dave Beckett, XTech 2004
* [[][SPARQL Introduction]] - [[][Dave Beckett]], Standford University Presentation
* [[][SPARQL Query Protocol presentation at XTech 2006 ]] by Leigh Dodds
* [[][SPASQL]] - Initiative to add SPARQL to MySQL
* [[][SPARQL Tutorial]] - Clark+Prasia & University of Manchester Tutorial
* [[][Jena SPARQL Tutorial]]
CategoryRDF CategorySIOC CategorySPARQL CategoryDiscussions