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| - %META:TOPICPARENT{name="VirtuosoFacetsWebService"}%
---+Virtuoso Facet Browser Featured Queries
The Virtuoso Facet Browser UI allows users to save Faceted View and iSPARQL queries as "Featured" queries for future reference. This requires the installation of the Virtuoso [[][Facet Browser]] and [[][iSPARQL]] VAD packages.
1 If not already done, install the [[VirtFacetBrowserInstallConfig][Facet Browser]] VAD application.
1 Load the Virtuoso Facted Browser UI <code>http://cname:port/fct </code>
<img src="%ATTACHURLPATH%/VirtFCTFeatureQueries01.png" style="wikiautogen"/>
1 Click on the <code>Feature</code> link in the top right of the page to load the Featured Queries page
<img src="%ATTACHURLPATH%/VirtFCTFeatureQueries02.png" style="wikiautogen"/>
There are two form of queries that can be saved as detailed below.
---+++Faceted Views
This allows the saving of the results from faceted searches in the Browser, to save such results:
1 Search for some sample text, <code> ski resorts</code> for example.
<img src="%ATTACHURLPATH%/VirtFCTFeatureQueries03.png" style="wikiautogen"/>
1 Select the <code>save</code> link in the right frame of the results page
<img src="%ATTACHURLPATH%/VirtFCTFeatureQueries04.png" style="wikiautogen"/>
1 Provide a <code>Title</code> and <code>Description</code> for the results page to be saved as
<img src="%ATTACHURLPATH%/VirtFCTFeatureQueries05.png" style="wikiautogen"/>
1 Once saved click the <code>continue</code> button to save to a table called <code>fct_stored_qry</code>
<img src="%ATTACHURLPATH%/VirtFCTFeatureQueries06.png" style="wikiautogen"/>
1 This table then needs to be queried to determine the <code>fsq_id</code> of the item added and its <code>fsq_featured<code> value set to 1 for it to be visible as a Featured query.
SQL> select * from fct_stored_qry;
fsq_id fsq_created fsq_title fsq_expln fsq_state fsq_featured
1 2011-05-05 10:59:24.000001 Ski Resorts Ski Resort Search Results <query inference="" same-as="" view3="" s-term="" c-term=""><text>Ski resorts</text><view type="text-d" limit="20" offset="" /></query> NULL
1 Rows. -- 7 msec.
SQL> update fct_stored_qry set fsq_featured=1 where fsq_id=1;
Done. -- 3 msec.
1 The saved Facet View query is now visible in the Featured Queries page.
<img src="%ATTACHURLPATH%/VirtFCTFeatureQueries07.png" style="wikiautogen"/>
---++SPARQL Queries
Queries from the Virtuoso Interactive SPARQL Query Builder (iSPARQL) application can be saved in the Facet Browser Feature Queries page and re-executed either from iSPARQL or the SPARQL endpoint, as follows:
1 If not already done, install the [[][iSPARQL VAD]] application from the <code>System Admin -> Packages"</code> tab of the Conductor.
1 Run iSPARQL application from the URL <code>http://cname:port/isparql </code>, login as the <code>dav</code> user and from the <code>Advanced</code> tab enter a SPARQL query of the form <code>select * where {?s ?p ?o . ?o bif:contains '(SKI AND RESORTS)'}</code>.
<img src="%ATTACHURLPATH%/VirtFCTFeatureQueries08.png" style="wikiautogen"/>
1 In the <code>Query Metadata</code> drop down frame of Advanced tab for the query, enter a <code>Title</code>, <code>Description</code> and <code>Creator</code> for the query to be saved.
<img src="%ATTACHURLPATH%/VirtFCTFeatureQueries09.png" style="wikiautogen"/>
1 Click on the <code>Save</code> icon button and navigate to the <code>/DAV/home/dav/sparql_ demo_ queries/</code> folder and save the query to filename with a <code>.isqarql</code> extension. *Note*, if the <code>/DAV/home/dav/sparql_ demo_ queries/</code> folder does not already exist, manually create if using the <code>Web Application Server -> Content Management</code> tab of the Conductor.
<img src="%ATTACHURLPATH%/VirtFCTFeatureQueries10.png" style="wikiautogen"/>
1 Navigate to the <code>Feature</code> query link of the Facet Browser where the saved iSPARQL query is now visble.
<img src="%ATTACHURLPATH%/VirtFCTFeatureQueries11.png" style="wikiautogen"/>
1 Click on the <code>...iSPARQL Query</code> link to execute the query in iSPARQL.
<img src="%ATTACHURLPATH%/VirtFCTFeatureQueries12.png" style="wikiautogen"/>
1 Click on the <code>Run in SPARQL endpoint</code> link to execute the query in iSPARQL.
<img src="%ATTACHURLPATH%/VirtFCTFeatureQueries13.png" style="wikiautogen"/>
* [[][Virtuoso Interactive SPARQL Query Builder]]
* Facets Web Service:
* [[VirtuosoFacetsWebService][Virtuoso Facets Web Service]]
* Linked Data:
* [[VirtuosoFacetsViewsLinkedData][Faceted Views over Large-Scale Linked Data]]
* Facet Browser Installation and configuration:
* [[VirtFacetBrowserInstallConfig][Virtuoso Facet Browser Installation and configuration]]
* Facet APIs:
* [[VirtFacetBrowserAPIs][Virtuoso APIs for FCT REST services]]
* [[VirtFacetBrowserAPIsFCTEXEC][<code><nowiki>fct_exec</nowiki></code> API Example]]
* Pivot Viewer and CXML:
* [[][Facet Pivot Bridge - A bridge to PivotViewer from Virtuoso's Faceted query service for RDF]]
* [[][Auto-Detection of Facet Type]]
* Tutorials:
* [[VirtuosoLODSampleTutorial][Faceted Browsing Sample using LOD Cloud Cache data space]]
* [[VirtuosoFacetsWebServiceSOAPExample][SOAP Facets Example]]
* [[VirtFacetBrowserInstallConfigQueried][Querying The Facet Browser Web Service endpoint]]
* [[][Visualizing Your Data With PivotViewer Using The Facet Browser]]
* [[VirtTipsAndTricksCustomControlLabelsURI][Custom Controlling Virtuoso Labels for URI functionality Example]]
* [[VirtuosoFacetsWebServiceCustmExamples][Facets Web Service: Examples for customizing different types]]
* [[VirtuosoFacetsWebServiceChoiceExample][Facets Web Service: Choice of Labels Example]]
* Downloads:
* [[][Virtuoso 6.0 TP1]]
* [[][Virtuoso Facet Browser VAD package]]
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