| - ---++Guide for Setting Up the Virtuoso HTTPS Listener using File System to host Certificate and Public Key
To enable the HTTPS listener, you will need another certificate. Existing certificates may not
have Subject Alternate Name, so you may want to generate one as in [[VirtGenerateX509Cert][this]] section.
1 Move <code>newcert.pem</code>, <code>newkey.pem</code>, and <code>cacert.pem</code>
into the server's working directory. In our test case, we put the keys in a '<code>keys</code>'
sub-directory, and added the following lines to the <code>[HTTPServer]</code> section of the Virtuoso
INI file, <code>virtuoso.ini</code>:
SSLPort = 4443
SSLCertificate = ./keys/localhost.cert.pem
SSLPrivateKey = ./keys/localhost.key.pem
X509ClientVerifyCAFile = ./keys/
X509ClientVerify = 1
X509ClientVerifyDepth = 15
1 Also in the Virtuoso INI file, in the <code>[URIQA]</code> section, <code>DefaultHost</code>
(<code>localhost:8890</code> below) must be edited to correspond to the DNS-resolvable host name
("CNAME") of the Virtuoso host, combined with the <code>ServerPort</code> as set in the
<code>[HTTPServer]</code> section of the same INI file.
DynamicLocal = 1
DefaultHost = localhost:8890
For instance, if the CNAME of the host is <code></code>, and the
<code>ServerPort</code> is <code>4321</code>, the <code>DefaultHost</code> should be set to
DynamicLocal = 1
DefaultHost =
1 Start the Virtuoso server, and look at the log file. Once HTTPS is up, you should see
something like —
HTTPS Using X509 Client CA ....
HTTPS/X509 server online at 4443
---+++ Setting Up Firefox
1 In the Preferences dialog, open the Advanced tab, and click the "View certificates" button.
%BR%%BR%<img src="%ATTACHURLPATH%/Picture_1.png" style="wikiautogen"/>%BR%%BR%
1 Click the "Add exception" button ,and enter the address of the HTTPS server you've just
configured, i.e.,
1 Click OK, and confirm the exception.
%BR%%BR%<img src="%ATTACHURLPATH%/Picture_2.png" style="wikiautogen"/>%BR%%BR%
1 Click to the "Your Certificates" tab, and import <code>mycert.p12</code>.